#WORK seems to be #destained today. I am observing many who seemly want somebody else to take care of them while they accomplish their self indulgence, because WORK is beneath them. “Exertion & toil of strength or facilities to accomplish something with labor” is Websters’ definition of work. Obviously, many do not know the most High Majestic LORD’S WORK. “CONSIDER THE WORK OF GOD” Ecclesiastes 7:13 “In the beginning GOD CREATED heaven and earth….GOD FORMED MAN in His own image Male and Female created He them” Genesis 1:27 “WORKS OF LORD are Great, Honorable, Glorious, Pleasurable, & to be Remembered” Ps.111:2 “How Great are WORKS of GOD’S HANDS which have made me GLAD” Ps.92:4 Does your work bring joy to others? “Mighty in Work and Counsel, GOD’S eyes are open to all the ways of men giving them each according to the fruit of their doings” Jeremiah 32:18,19 [pay to play] “It is God who WORKS IN YOU both to will and do of His good pleasure“ Philippians 2:13 Trust, follow, listen to the Master ! “BE CONFIDENT OF THIS VERY THING THAT GOD WHO BEGAN A GOOD WORK IN YOU WILL PERFORM IT UNTIL THE DAY OF JESUS CHRIST” Phil.1:6