Monday, February 11th 2013 @ 1:10 PM (not yet rated)
post viewed 295 times
Whose purpose is it to tell others about Jesus Christ? Is it the pastor’s? Is it the church’s? Is it ours? Is it God’s purpose for everyone to be saved? How is salvation obtained? Who can be saved? How can they find out? Are there people in our circle of influence who have never heard the plan of salvation presented properly? Are we hoarding the secret of eternal life?
This message is directed at Christ followers and encouraging them to tell others about the hope they have found in Jesus Christ. If you want that hope for yourself, click on this link:
Diane Chouinard
Full Access
DianeChouinard said on Monday, February 11th 2013 @ 11:17 PM:
yes i have hwo do you get save i would love to do this thanks god bless