Winsome Witnesses Fit A Pattern

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      19740908 Winsome Witnesses Fit A Pattern - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, February 4th 2013 @ 11:12 AM (not yet rated)

post viewed 306 times


There is a little word play going on here.  Of course there is, Brother Tommy loved words and word play.  Winsome is defined as ‘attractive or appealing in appearance or character.’  Also as he says in the message it is the purpose of a Christian witness to ‘win some’ people to Christ.  This series of 7 messages from 1974 has some great reminders for us.  What should we have in common with John The Baptist?  What was his commitment and conduct?  Is that enough?  What is our biggest job?  What is the difference between Christ’s message and all the others people are faced with everyday?

This message is directed at Christ followers and encouraging them to tell others about the hope they have found in Jesus Christ.  If you want that hope for yourself, click on this link:

The Gift