Monday, October 8th 2012 @ 10:26 AM
post viewed 417 times
Why? I thought this was appropriate for today as I went to get in my car and found a flat tire. Typical Monday, with all the commitments I have for today, i did not need this drain of time and money. Or did I? What kind of God lets us suffer? Does He care? What does suffering prove? Who makes us suffer God or the devil? What role does Faith play in suffering? What does our suffering show to others? What does our suffering show to us? Where is God during our low points? What does suffering prevent? What does it teach? So does the Bible say anything about how to handle suffering? Of course it does.
Diane Chouinard
Full Access
DianeChouinard said on Tuesday, October 9th 2012 @ 11:36 PM:
jeuse suffering more then we so we have suffering to be for we go to heven god bless