#Storms happen! The news is filled with pictures and accounts of tragic #tornadoes, #hurricanes, #floods, #fires, #landslides and #volcanic eruptions. Recently heavy rains and high winds brought down two huge pecan trees that flattened my garage with the metal roof forming an inverted teepee crushing all contents with the walls leaning off the foundation! After the shock of it all, I had to start one step at a time. Ps.4:1 “Hear me when I call, O GOD of my righteousness: thou hast relieved me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.” First came prayer being thankful no one was injured then asking for wisdom to give me discernment to handle details and that I needed God’s strength through it all. Next step was to call the tree removal service. That took almost two weeks, because the rains continued and their heavy equipment would get bogged down. They did a fabulous job removing and grinding those heavy pecan trees; however, then I could see that inverted roof and leaning walls with all the crushed belongings. Who or what could be a lifter of that heavy roof? What a mess! As I was feeling very overwhelmed, God’s Word just picked me up as I read…Psalm 3:3-5 “O LORD thou are a shield for me; my glory, and THE LIFTER UP OF MY HEAD. I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and He heard me out of His holy hill. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; FOR THE LORD SUSTAINED-SUPPORTED ME.” We all have storms that impact our lives and we all need God’s supporting hand to lift us up when we have been crushed.