from Barbara's Bible
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Today we are hearing more and more about our #Supreme #Court and the #Judges.  So much hinges on their rulings for the U.S. Presidential #election of 2020.  I would like to bring GOD’S WORD before you today!  “Far be it to slay the righteous with the wicked…shall not THE JUDGE OF ALL THE EARTH DO RIGHT”  Genesis 18:25  “THE LORD IS OUR JUDGE; THE LORD IS OUR LAWGIVER, He is our King and WILL SAVE US” Isaiah 33:22  “For THE LIVING GOD IS THE JUDGE and HE PUTS DOWN ONE AND SETS UP ANOTHER.  All the horns of the wicked shall be cutoff but the righteous shall be exalted” Psalms 75:7,10  “GOD shall judge the secrets of men” Romans 2:16  “GOD SHALL JUDGE HIS PEOPLE” Psalms 135:14, Heb.10:30        “GOD, the Comforter is come to convince the world of sin and judgement for Spirit of Truth is come to guide you into truth” John 16:7-14   The Word of God is powerful and true.     Matthew 12:20,21  “A bruised reed shall GOD not break and smoking flax shall He not quench until He sends  forth JUDGMENT UNTO VICTORY for  IN GOD SHALL WE TRUST”