Are you always #searching for #directions? I have observed our present #population glued to #technology transmitted over the air waves? Even walkers have on earplugs keeping them entertained or giving information. I wonder if they ever #look up? or #smell the blossoms? or #smile? If you ask a question of someone today they get out their phone and check the internet. Does it seem that society is being directed and steered by data stored on our airways? Who is your source in life? To whom do you turn? Do you ever read a book today? Or do you just rely on what is being promoted by prominent individuals to influence your decisions for their personal welfare? I think it time to read the Word of the LORD for guidance! If you can’t read then listen to an audio Bible reading while hearing Truth proclaimed. We all need a guide through the rough dark waters, and even during the beautiful bright events of our life. Who or What is your source for life directives? “The Great, the Mighty God, the LORD of hosts, is His name, Great in Counsel and mighty in work, opening your eyes to all the ways of men; giving every one according to the fruit of his doings.” Jeremiah 32:18,19 God knows all, sees all sooo seek His wisdom and strength by walking with THE LIVING GOD. “FOR THIS GOD IS OUR GOD FOREVER AND EVER: HE WILL BE OUR GUIDE EVEN UNTO DEATH” Psalms 48:14