The Greatest Story Yet Untold

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      19811227pm The Greatest Story Yet Untold - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, December 30th 2013 @ 1:05 PM (not yet rated)

post viewed 92 times

We just celebrated the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  But, has everyone heard about Him and why He was sent?  Some of the figures Brother Tommy gives in this message from 1981 are outdated.  But even with our technological advances in communication, the world population has grown exponentially, including the areas that have limited or no access to the Bible.  How can a person be saved unless they call on the Lord? How can they call unless they believe? How can they believe unless they hear?  How can they hear without being told?  How can we tell others today?  Who do you know that needs to hear about Jesus?  Do you serve in a church that goes on mission trips?  Does your work take you into places that need the Lord?

Before you can share the message of Jesus Christ, you have to enjoy a personal relationship with Him yourself.  The first step is to click here:

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