The Compassionate Christ

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      1969GaEvangConference The Compassionate Christ - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, April 23rd 2012 @ 12:27 PM (not yet rated)

post viewed 517 times

Compare what we know about Jesus Christ and His compassion to what we learned last week about our enemy, the Devil.  Brother Tommy delivered this message at the Georgia Evangelical Conference in 1969.  Do we see this world with the same compassion as Christ?  What does Christ see when He looks at
us?  Listen for the pointed question of the little old lady touring West Minster Abbey church.  If Tommy talked about distraction to destruction in 1969, how much worse is it today?  This message was delivered to an auditorium full of preachers but it is a challenge to all believers to deliver the saving message of Jesus Christ.  Do we still have a situation described as a plentiful harvest with scarce workers?  How do we start?  What is more important than the work of the Lord?  (Listen carefully.)