Monday, December 24th 2012 @ 12:00 AM (not yet rated)
post viewed 332 times
As we celebrate the first coming of Jesus Christ over 2000 years after it happened, let’s take a few minutes to ask ourselves why we call it the first coming? That implies that Jesus Christ will come again. The Bible does more than imply it. How will He return? What does the Bible say will occur when Christ returns? What will be the differences between His first and second coming? Who was Simeon and what can we learn from him? Are you saved, surrendered, and Spirt-filled? How about sensitive to the Lord’s message? Do you know what Simeon’s name means? Do you know what it feels like to be satisfied? Was Jesus Christ’s first coming welcomed by everyone? Will His second coming be welcomed by everyone? Who is guaranteed to see this second coming?
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Diane Chouinard
Full Access
DianeChouinard said on Wednesday, January 2nd 2013 @ 11:55 PM:
all was put faith in very thing that is what jeus want that is why he die for us and iam thankfull what he dos for me and a bless i get very day god bless to all