Did you know #Christ is not #Jesus’ last name? It is his title and it means #Messiah and #Savior. The first ‘I am’ that Jesus demonstrated was ‘I am the vine.’ He showed this with His first miracle at the wedding in Canaa. Why would Mary ask her son to fix the problem that occurred? Is there any importance that this happened at a wedding? What is the significance of the elements of this miracle? What happens to fruit that is not on the vine? How did this miracle embody the Gospel principles of ’trust and obey?’ Why did they have big quantities of water sitting around? What was said about the quality of the wine Jesus produced by this miracle? Were Christ’s miracles tricks or did they have another purpose?
As I sit here summarizing the message for you, I am bothered by a bird fighting his own reflection on my glass window. It reminds me that the World right now is in turmoil. I am made in God’s image and so is my neighbor. When I fight with my neighbor, I am therefore fighting my own reflection. The Devil wants us to believe our enemy is our neighbor, but we are actually in a spiritual battle. The Bible says that we struggle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities.
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