Christ Is The Answer – Evaluation of Spiritual Gifts

Bible Audio Blog
      20010304 Christ Is The Answer - Evaluation Of Spiritual Gifts - Rev. Tommy Jones


What is a #SpiritualGift?  When a person becomes a follower of #Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit enters that person and amplifies or bestows a talent for the Believer to use to glorify God.  All gifts have a purpose but are they all equal?  The church at Corinth had become fascinated with one particular gift and in this passage Paul had to help them restore the balance.  Why is the gift of prophecy better than the gift of speaking in tongues?  Is prophecy only about the future?  How does prophecy build up the Church and evangelize the lost?  Paul gave serious warnings about the gift of speaking in tongues and when it should not be used.  Seek the giver not the gift.

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Christ Is The Answer – Resources In Worship

Bible Audio Blog
      20010121 Christ Is The Answer - Resources In Worship - Rev. Tommy Jones


If trusting in #Jesus #Christ as your #Lord and #Savior only bestowed #eternal life on the #Believer that would be more than enough to make it worth our decision.  But God did not stop there.  He has bestowed every one of the Faithful with one nor more spiritual gifts.  Are spiritual gifts the same as spiritual fruit?  What are these gifts and can anybody have more than one?  Only the Holy Spirit enables a person to say that Jesus is Lord.  What will the true Christian never say?  What role do each of the three figures of the Godhead play in the function of these gifts?  For what purpose are we given these gifts?  Later Paul will give a full list of the spiritual gifts, but here he lists the ones the Corinthians were struggling to handle.  Why are some gifts less evident today?  The gifts Paul covers in this passage are wisdom, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, and the speaking and interpretation of tongues.

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His Internal Ministry- The Performance of the Holy Spirit in Impartation, Initiation, and Implementation

Bible Audio Blog
      19750202 His Internal Ministry - The Performance Of The Holy Spirit - In Impartation, Initiation, and Implementation - Rev. Tommy Jones


Let’s talk about #Pentecost.  How did it happen?  When did it happen?  What happened?  Has it ever been repeated?  Is there a difference between the event repeating and the experience being repeated?  Is the Holy Spirit imparted to all believers equally?  What was the significance of the signs of wind, fire, and tongues that accompanied the initiation of the Holy Spirit’s ministry on Earth?  How was the Church born the day the Holy Spirit came down?  What does that mean for the governance and guidance of the Church?  All this power that was given to believers was meant to be implemented to witness.  What proves that witnessing in our own strength is fruitless?  


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