Christ Is The Answer – Sharing Through Stewardship

Bible Audio Blog
      20010429 Christ Is The Answer - Sharing Through Stewardship - Rev. Tommy Jones


In this chapter of First Corinthians, Paul goes from the #spiritual to the #practical.  Why would he bookend these two subjects so closely?  Where should our heart be?  And how about our feet?  Here we see guidance for the church in how to collect money and examples of how it should be used.  Is there any guidance given to believers about how and when to give?  By the way, this chapter includes one of the first clues about what day of the week on which the early church worshipped.  Do attitude and intention matter when giving?  Are there different expectations of giving from different levels of givers?  Are commandments given to us for God’s good or ours?  Did you know that there is a difference between tithes and offerings?  

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Stewardship Accent on Attitude

Bible Audio Blog
      19750126 Stewardship Accent On Attitude - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Sharing is caring.  We have been taught this at #home with our siblings, in #school since kindergarten, and at #church since we were in the nursery.  But, is all sharing or giving done with the right attitude?  What does stewardship have to do with raising children?  Have you ever heard (or said), “all that church wants is my money”?  What is a true test of a dedicated Christian?  What are we told not to do when we give?  What is wrong with being acknowledged for our gifts?  What is sacrificial giving?  When you give, is there a smile on your face?

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Stewardship Personal Promise

Bible Audio Blog
      19750119 Stewardship Personal Promise - Rev. Tommy Jones


What is your #word worth?  When you give your personal #promise is it worth anything?  How about when God promises something, can we count on that?  Have you ever wondered why so many churches have the name Bethel in them?  Listen to the passage about Jacob to find out.  What do our promises have to do with God’s plans?  Why does God require a commitment from us in order to move forward?  It boils down to free will.  Does our motive for giving to the Lord matter?  Is God watching what you are giving?

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Stewardship Concerning the Collection

Bible Audio Blog
      19750112 Stewardship Concerning The Collection - Rev. Tommy Jones


Some people get uncomfortable when the subject of #money is brought up.  Why is that?  Well, probably because whoever is speaking is usually asking for some of your money.  If you are a created being and the Lord provides all of your needs as the Bible tells us, is there really such a thing as your money?  Why is the Church concerned about taking up a collection?  Why does it concern us, believer or not?  How does concern for the collection dovetail into God’s concern for our salvation?  What does the Bible say about the timing of the collection?  What is said about who should participate in the collection?  How about where it goes?  What does the word tithe mean?  What is the purpose for taking up a collection?

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The Basis for Blessing

Bible Audio Blog
      19780122 The Basis For Blessing - Rev. Tommy Jones


Everybody wants a #blessing, even if they don’t really understand what one is.  I submit to you that none of us would be alive without the blessing of the one true God.  But how does one begin to receive more blessings, personal blessings?  Are you stealing from God?  Why does God want our tithes and offerings?  Where is the storehouse located?  What is the tithe?  If every Christian gave as God commands, we could replace every government assistance program.

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The Ground For Giving

Bible Audio Blog
      19851027 The Ground For Giving - Rev. Tommy Jones


God doesn’t need your #money.  After all, where do you think it came from in the first place.  However, cheerful #giving back to God and our fellow man is a sign of what?  Most preachers don’t enjoy bringing up the subject of giving just because of the all too human desire people have to hold onto everything they can get.  I have to admit that it is a subject I avoid posting because it is not as eye catching as many of the other titles I have to close from in the archives.  But there are blessings to be gained from obedience to this command.  What does the Bible say about giving?  If you build a factory yourself, is it yours?  What about the goods produced when it is up and running?  If your factory gets confiscated, and you buy it back, who owns it now?

Here is the four part series of messages Brother Tommy gave on this subject.  See below for the other three parts.

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      19851103 The Order In Giving - Rev. Tommy Jones
      1985110 The Method Of Giving - Rev. Tommy Jones
      19851117 The Example In Giving - Rev. Tommy Jones