Easter – The Power Of The Resurrection

Bible Audio Blog
      20050327 Easter - The Power Of The Resurrection - Rev. Tommy Jones


Why do we celebrate #Easter?  Is it just to mark the beginning of #Spring or to get #chocolate?  Some do, but the original and best reason is to celebrate when God raised His only Son from the dead to defeat the curse of sin.  Does God have resurrection power?  Is there any proof outside of the Bible to corroborate that Jesus Christ rose alive from the tomb?  Can you personally know the power of the resurrection?  What kind of power can you expect?  If you are not a Christian, how should you dress for Easter?

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Living Waters

Bible Audio Blog
      19880619 Living Waters - Rev. Tommy Jones


What kind of water are you drinking?  Is it tap water (hopefully not from #Flint, Michigan), or #spring water, or even reclaimed #seawater?  Jesus came to give us living water to keep us from getting thirsty ever again.  What does that mean?  What is the importance of this hour, right now?  Who made the first move between Jesus and this woman at the well?  Why was this interaction so unusual?  What makes living water better than the water that this world has to offer?  Why did Jesus bring up this woman’s husband?  What kind of theological deflection did she try to sidetrack the discussion?  What answer did Christ give her that led her to salvation?  What evidence do we see of her decision?  What were the disciples doing during this encounter?  

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