Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Significance of Life – Delineated By A Saying

Bible Audio Blog
      20060910 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Significance Of Life - Delineated By A Saying - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Doors and #gates are often mentioned in the Bible.  They symbolize #transition.  #Jesus Christ claimed to be not A door but rather, THE door.  The door to what?  Doors also exclude.  What does Jesus hold back?  Some people think there are many doors, others think they don’t need a door, and some even think they can make their own door.  But, what does Jesus say?  In this passage, Christ compares us to sheep.  How are we similar to these creatures?  Is this just important to our eternal destination or does it impact our daily lives?  

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Grace to Serve

Bible Audio Blog

#Grace is not just a girl’s name.  The definition I like is that grace is God’s unmerited favor.  Here, Brother Tommy leads us through the passage that ends with, ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’  That is one of my favorite verses.  But what does it mean?  What is the purpose of God’s grace?  Is it just to save us from damnation, or is there more to it?  We are then called to serve, but for whose glory?  What did Paul show us about the power of God’s unmerited favor?  How can we, like Paul, live contentedly and accomplish great things for the Lord no matter our circumstances?  

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The Way to Worship

Bible Audio Blog

      19870823 The Way To Worship - Rev. Tommy Jones


What is one thing we all have in #common?  What form does our search for #God, #meaning, and #worship take?  Why should we worship God?  Would God rather have us serve Him or worship Him?  Is there a difference?  What does the Bible mean when it calls God a jealous God?  Why is it okay for Him but not for us?  When God is honored how does it help us?  What comes first, worship or work?  Where should worship take place?  How should worship look and sound?  What did Jesus mean when He told the woman at the well to worship in spirit and truth?  What impact should worship have on us?  

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Think Small

Bible Audio Blog

      19830701pm Think Small - Rev. Tommy Jones


Now that we have #celebrated the birth of the baby #Jesus, let me encourage you to think about what that means in your life.  It can be overwhelming unless you think small.  Where do we start?  What does influence have to do with ripples on a lake?  From this passage, what can we see that Christ expects from us in terms of loving others?  How do we turn thought into action?  What does the reaction of the audience in these verses tell us about their motives?

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Word of Condescension

Bible Audio Blog

      19840122 Word Of Condescension - Rev. Tommy Jones


In this #ego driven world, everyone is struggling to be #NumberOne, to have others serve them.  But what example did our Lord give us during the last week before His crucifixion and resurrection?  What significance did the Lord’s Supper and its timing have?  Few things make me feel worse than seeing someone i love and respect do something for me that i should have done for them.  Imagine how the disciples felt when they were busy discussing their right hand status and the Lord knelt at their feet.  What was the significance of the washing of the disciple’ feet?  What must have gone through Judas’ mind when this happened?

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