Basic Biblical Beliefs – Public Enemy Number One

Bible Audio Blog
      19980531 Basic Biblical Beliefs - Public Enemy Number One - Rev. Tommy Jones


On the list of the #FBI most wanted, what should be the biggest threat to our temporal and #eternal safety?  It is something we all face on a daily basis.  Some deny it all together, while others downplay it and some even celebrate it.  Where and when did this enemy appear?  How does that affect us all daily?  Is there any hope of escaping the results of this enemy, has anyone ever conquered it?  In a few days, we will celebrate the birth of our hope, the Savior.  It is my prayer that if you do not know Jesus Christ personally, that you will make the decision to repent and believe in Him.

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Christmas Brightness

Bible Audio Blog
      20001203 Christmas Brightness - Rev. Tommy Jones


Why do so many people #LightUp their yards, houses, and streets in December?  From #ChristmasTrees to #parades, light shows are everywhere this time of year.  Why are these lighting events held at night?  How dark was the world when Jesus Christ arrived?  Is there still a contrast between the darkness of the world today and the Light of the world?  In addition to the darkness of sin, what other things did the arrival of Jesus defeat?  The angels appeared to the shepherds in dazzling light with a message of good news and yet, the shepherds had to be told to ‘fear not.’  Why?  What can we learn from their response?  

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Christmas Meaning

Bible Audio Blog
      20001119 Christmas Meaning - Rev. Tommy Jones


As we begin the #Advent season, counting down the days until #Christmas, let’s take a closer look at the meaning behind this worldwide holiday.  Is it about presents or parties?  Well, without God’s gift of His Son to this world as payment for our wrongdoings none of this would be happening.  Brother Tommy uses Hebrews 2 to give us the full weight of the importance of this incredible event in history.  What can we learn about the God-man who came about this time of year?  Why was He born to die?  How did Jesus destroy the accuser?  How does He conquer the tempter?  What do we mean when we say that Christ has defeated sin?  Where does that leave us in regards to our relationship with God?  So who got delivered by this miraculous Christmas arrival?

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The Joy of Jesus – Looking For The Lord – Who Will Come?

Bible Audio Blog
      20060212 Joy Of Jesus - Looking For The Lord - Who Will Come? - Rev. Tommy Jones


When you think ahead to the inevitable end of this #life, do you feel #scared, #anxious, #confused, or #excited?  Christians have something to look forward to at the end of this life.  Not in the sense that they can’t wait, but that there is a reward at the end of the race.  Paul wrote to the church at Philippi, who were Roman citizens, to remind them that they were also citizens of an even better place.  Where should our focus be?  We look forward to the return of the Savior.  How should we prepare?  Who is the Savior, is it a politician, a celebrity, or a current leader?  What will be different about Jesus when He returns in the fullness of God?  Is it possible to be so heavenly minded that you’re of no earthly good?  

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Study In A Stable – Jesus

Bible Audio Blog
      20011223 Study In A Stable - Jesus - Rev. Tommy Jones


Whether you say #HappyHolidays or #MerryChristmas, whether you support #Antifa or #Brexit, God sent Hs son, Jesus to save you.  The New Testament of the Bible begins with the birth of Jesus, but did you know that His birth fulfilled over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament about the Savior?  Can we really say that we would have been smarter than the Jewish scholars that didn’t recognize their long awaited King when he was born into such lowly beginnings?  We all start as a humble sinless child just like Jesus did, but do we stay that way?  Did Jesus?  We are born innocent and trusting.  What happens to that as we grow up?  Babies don’t worry about the future or the past, they are all about the now.  What did Jesus tell us about that attitude?

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What Is A Christian?

Bible Audio Blog

The word #Christian gets thrown around a lot these days.  Some use it as a #putdown others wear it like a #shield.  Is it the opposite of #atheist?  Does it depend on where you were born or to which family?  Are you a Christian because you joined a church or got baptized?  What does the Bible say about true followers of Jesus Christ?  How can imperfect people claim to be like Jesus?  If Christ died for everyone, why isn’t everyone saved?  Can you miss Heaven by 18 inches?  We call Jesus, Lord and Savior.  Many want Him as Savior but hesitate to make Him Lord.  Can you do enough good deeds to get into Heaven?  Does a Christian do good deeds?  Why?

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Christ

Bible Audio Blog

Missions without #Jesus Christ is just #SocialWork.  Social work may be well intentioned, but at best it is only a temporary fix to an infinite problem.  The #World waited a long time for the #Savior.  Why do we need a savior?  Did He have to be both God and man?  Is there any more to the mission message than Jesus?  What lessons did Christ teach us about God?  Jesus taught us about the worth of each individual as well as our inherited propensity to sin and our need to be saved from it.  He also talked a lot about the Kingdom of God.  Are there boundaries to this kingdom?  Was the Savior’s mission to serve or to be served?  Jesus Christ is our example, so what then should our mission be?

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Means of Missions

Bible Audio Blog

Some of our #leaders and #rulers today do not want to be seen with common folk unless it is for a #photo-op.  Compare that with the #Creator of the Universe who sees us, hears us, and through His Son, Jesus Christ touches us.  Seeing, hearing, and touching are the means of missions still to this day.  Can we see, hear, and touch Christ?  How about others?  From what perspective should we see the world?  What would happen if we could see the world through eyes of faith, hope, and love?  As we attempt to listen, what is it we should hear?  Ironically, Brother Tommy mentions a prediction about the state of missions in the year 2000 (this was in 1987) that never came to pass mainly because of the proliferation of the internet, which is how you’re receiving this now.  But, the internet can’t replace physical contact with the unsaved.  Are you making contact with those that need a savior?  

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