Christ Is The Answer – Realization In Worship

Bible Audio Blog
      20010128 Christ Is The Answer - Realization In Worship - Rev. Tommy Jones


Have you ever known somebody who was all #feet, or more #brawn than #brains?  We value #balance in individuals and the same goes for #Christ and His church.  Can you be a member of THE church without a personal relationship with Jesus?  When does the baptism of the Spirit occur?  Have you ever gotten a small cut or scrape on an out of the way body part and been shocked by how many times you feel it throughout the day?  There are no unimportant parts of the body and there are no unimportant roles in the church.  Is it easier to comfort or congratulate?  Paul gives a list of spiritual gifts to the Corinthians and rebalanced the weight and frequency of each one.

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Christ Is The Answer – Remember What You Have

Bible Audio Blog
      20000430 Christ Is The Answer - Remember What You Have - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Christians have something #nobody can take away.  No #lockdown, #election, or new #law can pluck us from His hand.  God gives #grace and #peace to His believers.  What does that mean?  Is there anything else that comes from following Jesus?  Does everybody get the same gifts in the same amounts?  What is the relationship between gifts and spiritual maturity?  What does it mean to be in fellowship with Jesus Christ?  Is there a difference between imitation and participation?  Christians also have something to which they look forward.  

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Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Security of Life – Delineated By A Saying – I Am The Good Shepherd

Bible Audio Blog
      20061008 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Security Of Life - Delieated By A Saying - I Am The Good Shepherd - Rev. Tommy Jones


Since #Jesus is the good #shepherd, what does that make us?  #Sheep, it makes us sheep.  That is a pejorative term these days used to imply blind #submission.  But, the true #relationship between sheep and shepherd is one of dependence for sustenance and security.  It also depends on the shepherd and his level of investment in the flock.  Are they his sheep or is he just looking after someone else’s?  How good of a shepherd is Jesus?  The Bible says a lot about how He feeds and protects us even to the point of dying to save us.  What is the shepherd’s staff used for?  How well can sheep see or hear?  Is our security better or worse because our shepherd died and rose again? Does the shepherd know our name?  How do we know and have faith in Him?  Does Christ ever lose sheep? 

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The Joy of Jesus – Available For Calculation – Matter of Risk and Reward – Avow the Reward

Bible Audio Blog
      2005100205 Joy Of Jesus - Available For Calculation - Matter Of Risk & Reward - Avow The Reward - Rev. Tommy Jones


Hopefully, you are not under #quarantine from the #CoronaVirus / #Covid19.  Whether you are now or you will be later, just know that the Joy of Jesus has nothing to do with your current circumstances and everything to do with trusting and obeying the Lord.  How can we avow or claim the reward of the joy of Jesus?  What did Paul have to say about people adding requirements to the Gospel?  Do we have an outward symbol today of the inward change that occurs when we give our life to Christ?  What does true worship look like?  Once you get the relationship and the worship right, the happiness or joy will come and it won’t be dependent on circumstances.  What does it mean to boast in Jesus and not in ourselves?  

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How to Have a Quiet Time

Bible Audio Blog
      19880228 How To Have A Quiet Time - Rev. Tommy Jones


As we enter the #NewYear, what #resolution will you make?  Will you resolve to improve your #relationships with others?  How about your relationship with God?  What if I told you that spending time alone with God every day, otherwise known as having a quiet time, would help with all of your other connections?  Obviously, you first need to establish a personal relationship with the God of the Universe through His only son, Jesus Christ.  But, in order to grow closer you need to meet daily.  How does that happen?  How can you plan and prepare for it?  What are six steps to get the most out of your quiet time?

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