Christ Is The Answer – The Glory Of The Shame

Bible Audio Blog
      20000528 Christ Is The Answer - The Glory Of The Shame - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Pride is celebrated today.  The #Bible says that pride goes before a fall.  #Jesus Christ came not as a rich educated ruler, but as a humble, poor migrant.  And yet, what the World finds shameful, the believer finds glorious.  Do the worldly wise look for the messiah?  What need do the rich or ruling class have for the savior?  It is not impossible, but Paul says that not many of them will be saved.  Did God have a reason to use a simple method of salvation to save the Chosen?  To whom does the glory belong?  

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His Infernal Ministry- The Performance of the Unholy Spirit – In Terms of Temptations

Bible Audio Blog

Have you ever heard or used the #excuse ‘the devil made me do it’?  Can #Satan make us do anything?  When #temptation comes your way, what can you do about it?  What is the difference between temptation from the devil and testing from God?  How are temptations a sign of the direction your life is taking?  How big of a battle are we fighting?  Has God given us a strategy to win this conflict?  How did Jesus Christ deal with the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life?  What does this show us about how Satan picks his targets?  What can we learn about his salesmanship?  What tools have we been given to fight this skirmish?  

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His Infernal Ministry – The Performance Of The Unholy Spirit – In Terms Of Territory

Bible Audio Blog

The #treatment must fit the #disease.  That is why we are covering this series that Brother Tommy delivered on #Satan, our adversary.  When the Bible talks about the world or worldly things, what is it talking about?  Are there different uses of the word ‘world’ in the Bible?  What is the territory of the devil?  Who or what is the body of Christ and who or what is the body of Satan?  How did the devil get so much authority over the world?  Why would God allow this?  What does Satan want us to think and feel about his territory, our physical surroundings?  What promises do we have about the power of God over this world and its influence?  Why did we do a whole series on the Holy Spirit before we started this one?  How does Satan use the world as a lure?  What is meant by the lust of the flesh?  How about the lust of the eyes or the pride of life?  What is the progression from thought to deed?  What solution did Paul give us to avoid worldliness?

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