Basic Biblical Beliefs – Salvation – Three Stages

Bible Audio Blog
      19980816 Basic Biblical Beliefs - Salvation - Three Stages - Rev. Tommy Jones


I’m sorry, but your #disease is #terminal.  Nobody wants to hear that and yet it is true for all of us.  Jesus Christ offers Salvation once and for all time.  The three stages Brother Tommy talks about today are a past act, a present process, and a future confirmation.  Does Jesus save us and move on to the next soul?  What is meant to come after salvation while alive on Earth?  How will salvation be completed and when?   

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His Internal Ministry – The Performance Of The Holy Spirit – In Creation, Preparation, and Incarnation

Bible Audio Blog
      19741117 His Internal Ministry - The Performance Of The Holy Spirit - In Creation, Preparation, and Incarnation - Rev. Tommy Jones


Can we trace the existence and the work of the Holy Spirit from the #beginning until now?  How doe we know the Holy Spirit was present and active at the Creation?  What was/is His role in it?  How did mankind receive the breath of Life?  How does the Holy Spirit bring glory to God through us?  How did the Spirit prepare the World for the coming of the Messiah?  What are some examples of the Holy Spirit’s work in the Old Testament?  Who do you think gave the prophets advance information about the Messiah beforehand?  How did Jesus Christ come into this World or incarnated?  Was Jesus helped throughout His ministry by the Holy Spirit?  How about His death and resurrection?  Can we also tap into that power?


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Confidence in the Christian Life

Bible Audio Blog
      19830828 Confidence In The Christian Life - Rev. Tommy Jones


How can we know that we are #saved for #eternity?  How do we follow Christ and have confidence in our salvation?  What does it have to do with our past, present, and future?  What kind of confession covers our past?  What assurances have we been given to get us through the present?  Are there new temptations coming our way that nobody has overcome before?  What does all of this mean for our future?

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Three Appearings of Christ

Bible Audio Blog
      19820131pm Three Appearings Of Christ - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Past, #present, and #future appearing of #JesusChrist – what do they have in common?  How about mountains?  That resonated with Bear, because he loved mountains.  What office did each of these appearances represent?  Was Christ’s first appearing a secret or was it prophesied throughout the Bible?  Why did He come the first time?  What is the ‘yes or no’ answer demanded by His first appearance.  What does the second appearing of Christ mean for those who call Him Lord?  What is He doing right now?  How does that differ from the way He will appear next?  What are some things Christ followers can look forward to about this third appearing?

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