19800416 ROR - As Helpful To Health - Physically - Healing Expressed - Rev. Tommy Jones
Well, this message couldn’t come at a better time. Practically my whole family came down with a #stomachbug this week. Let’s listen to what Brother Tommy has to say about Biblical healing. What can we find in the Bible about faith healing? What do the miracles in the Old Testament have in common? How about those in the New Testament? What does that tell us about faith healing today? What is the atonement of Jesus and what does it have to do with healing? Is sickness the result of sin? Does sickness ever serve a purpose? Is it God’s will that we should all be cured of every disease? How then should we pray for healing of ourselves and others? But wait, you say, what about the gifts of the Spirit like healing, miracles, tongues, and interpretation? Or what about the passage in James that starts out,’ if there is any sick among you…’ There are some really interesting opinions in this week’s message. Definitely food for thought and prayer.
Next week we will start looking at what the Bible says about healing experienced in the Bible.
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