The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Communication – Prayerfully

Bible Audio Blog
      20060326 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Communication - Prayerfully - Rev. Tommy Jones


The non-Christian #world tends to mock Believers when we say that we will #pray for them.  If only they knew the #power we can unleash with effective prayer. #Anxiety is at an all time high today, but is it an attitude Christians should hold?  What does it mean to be careful about nothing?  What subjects are we supposed to bring to God in prayer?  Are we really supposed to pray thankfully for anything, including both the good and bad?  How can we do that legitimately?  


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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Suffering – Of An Internal Nature – Prayerfully

Bible Audio Blog
      20050703 Triumphant Suffering - Of An Internal Nature - Prayerfully - Rev. Tommy Jones


How should we #pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ #Jesus?  Paul tells us how he joyfully went before the #throne when he prayed for the church at Philippi.  But is this prayer only appropriate for this particular situation or can we apply it to our surroundings?  Are there different kinds of love?  What is agape love?  What is the connection between this type of love and knowledge?  Where does discernment come into play?  How does sincere love withstand the light of day?  How can we be filled with the fruits of righteousness?  From where does this fruit come and what is the result of our bearing this fruit?

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The Winning Witness’ Travail

Bible Audio Blog
      19810222 Winning Witnesses - The Witness' Travail - Rev. Tommy Jones


What kind of #labor or travail does a #winning #witness have to go through even though they have the truth of God’s Word and the strength of the Holy Spirit?  From where should our burden for the lost come?  What makes this burden grow?  How much was Paul concerned for the lost?  How about Jesus?  Is this travail meant to bring us down?  How strongly did Paul wish that he could save everyone?  When you listen to Paul’s description of his fellow Israelites in their lost state, do you see any parallels to our current society?

Housekeeping note:  I did not have one of these messages titled the Winning Witness’ Target, but if you listen, Brother Tommy recaps it at the beginning of this message.

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The Way to Worship

Bible Audio Blog
      19870823 The Way To Worship - Rev. Tommy Jones


What is one thing we all have in #common?  What form does our search for #God, #meaning, and #worship take?  Why should we worship God?  Would God rather have us serve Him or worship Him?  Is there a difference?  What does the Bible mean when it calls God a jealous God?  Why is it okay for Him but not for us?  When God is honored how does it help us?  What comes first, worship or work?  Where should worship take place?  How should worship look and sound?  What did Jesus mean when He told the woman at the well to worship in spirit and truth?  What impact should worship have on us?  

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Bear One Another’s Burdens

Bible Audio Blog
      19831106pm Bear One Another's Burdens - Rev. Tommy Jones


This week’s message goes a step further than last week’s lesson on #bear with one another.  Bother Tommy says this is the most delicate of the ‘one another’ commands.  This one deals with how a #Christian should handle another Christian who slips into sin.  Should we judge or condemn the other who failed?  What should we ensure before attempting to assist?  Does the Bible say we should try this alone?  What does it mean to restore a fellow Christian?  What could go wrong during this process?

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How to Have a Quiet Time

Bible Audio Blog
      19880228 How To Have A Quiet Time - Rev. Tommy Jones


As we enter the #NewYear, what #resolution will you make?  Will you resolve to improve your #relationships with others?  How about your relationship with God?  What if I told you that spending time alone with God every day, otherwise known as having a quiet time, would help with all of your other connections?  Obviously, you first need to establish a personal relationship with the God of the Universe through His only son, Jesus Christ.  But, in order to grow closer you need to meet daily.  How does that happen?  How can you plan and prepare for it?  What are six steps to get the most out of your quiet time?

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Knowing the Ways of God

Bible Audio Blog
      19880207 Knowing The Ways Of God - Rev. Tommy Jones


Are you able to see #God by His works?  Are you ready to know God by His ways?  Some people refuse to acknowledge God’s existence, despite all of the evidence to the contrary.  Others believe in God but don’t think it is possible to know Him.  And yet, Moses showed us that it is not only possible to know about God but also to know Him in a relationship.  What difference does it make?  What is the difference between a testifier and a teacher?  What makes us panic about God’s actions versus having peace about it?  What difference can knowing God’s ways make in your prayer life?  How can you get to know God’s ways?

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Healing Expressed

Bible Audio Blog
      19800416 ROR - As Helpful To Health - Physically - Healing Expressed - Rev. Tommy Jones


Well, this message couldn’t come at a better time.  Practically my whole family came down with a #stomachbug this week.  Let’s listen to what Brother Tommy has to say about Biblical healing.  What can we find in the Bible about faith healing?  What do the miracles in the Old Testament have in common?  How about those in the New Testament?  What does that tell us about faith healing today?  What is the atonement of Jesus and what does it have to do with healing?  Is sickness the result of sin?  Does sickness ever serve a purpose?  Is it God’s will that we should all be cured of every disease?  How then should we pray for healing of ourselves and others?  But wait, you say, what about the gifts of the Spirit like healing, miracles, tongues, and interpretation?  Or what about the passage in James that starts out,’ if there is any sick among you…’  There are some really interesting opinions in this week’s message.  Definitely food for thought and prayer.

Next week we will start looking at what the Bible says about healing experienced in the Bible.

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