The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Suffering – Of An Internal Nature – Mentally

Bible Audio Blog
      20050612 Triumphant Suffering - Of An Internal Nature - Mentally - Rev. Tommy Jones


It seems there is a lot of #mental suffering in this world.  So many are experiencing #depression, #selfpity, and #selfishness.  And they all have something in common, an inward gaze.  How does Paul Thank God for his fellow Christians at Philippi?  Paul is writing this letter from prison and yet it is full of praise and prayer.  Wouldn’t you expect a prisoner to ask for relief or prayer for themselves?  What was one of Brother Tommy’s pet peeves?  Paul was thankful for their fellowship in the Gospel.   What does that tell us about what we are to be doing?  He also said he was expecting something from them.  What was it?  Does God start anything that He cannot finish?

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Daily Devotion Discipline Finish

Bible Audio Blog
      19790110 Daily Devotion Discipline Finish - Rev. Tommy Jones


How can we #blend #Bible study and #prayer?  When should we pray during our Bible study?  With the exception of Jesus Christ, every person we read about in the Bible had flaws in addition to whatever virtue they may present.  Pastor Bruce at my church, says that there aren’t many people that God used in the Bible that could pass a background check to work in our children’s ministry.  How can we use this information in our prayers?  Are there any promises in the passage you are reading that you can claim?  Are there any conditions to that promise?  Is there an assurance that accompanies the commands we encounter from God while reading His Word?  How can we deal with distraction while studying?  How do we prevent a one way conversation with the Lord?  What posture is best for praying?  What three books assist with a daily devotional?  Do you use a prayer list?  


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The Winning Witness’ Training

Bible Audio Blog
      19801102 Winning Witnesses - The Witness' Training - Rev. Tommy Jones


We expect athletes to #train before they ever #compete in a #game or event.  But, what would you call a person who trains constantly but never gets in the game?  Witness training is something that can be done throughout your life but it should be used along the way.  What is the burden or debt a Christian owes to a non-Christian?  What did Paul mean when he said he was ready and not ashamed?  What is the secret to becoming a fisher of men?  What role does prayer play in witnessing?  How about the reading and studying of the Word of God, the Bible?  What can we learn from Jesus’ example about being social?  Are you isolating or insulating?  How adaptable should we be?

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Pray One for Another

Bible Audio Blog
      19831120pm Pray One For Another - Rev. Tommy Jones


What effect does #prayer have on the people around us?  I see so many people scoff at others that say, “I will pray for you.’  But the Bible says that the prayers of the righteous accomplish much.  Did Jesus, the Son of God, pray and did He tell us to do the same?  Did Jesus also show us how?  For whom did Christ show us that we should pray?  How should we pray for them?  What did Paul, the missionary, teach us about prayer?  

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Are You a Christian Mother?

Bible Audio Blog
      19820509 Are You A Christian Mother? - Rev. Tommy Jones


We are going to take a break this week from the One Another series (just one left) to recognize that Sunday is #Mother’sDay.  You’re welcome for the reminder.  Do you agree with the statement, ‘as the home goes, so goes Society”?  Who is at the center of the home?  What are some of the ways modern culture tries to cut away at the Biblical role of mothers?  What can men do to support the women in their life to be a Christian mother?  What does a Christian mother have to do with leading in worship, teaching the Word, and being an example of Grace?  How does the challenge of motherhood make it easier to undermine that role?  Who should support mothers?  What contribution can be made by mothers to the Kingdom of God?

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How To Grow

Bible Audio Blog
      19861102 How To Grow - Rev. Tommy Jones


Physical #growth occurs naturally in living things, but how about #spiritual growth?  Do we have a choice in our original or first birth?  How about the second?  How does this second birth compare to the first?  What are the impediments to growth after this second birth?  Remove of obstacles is not all we have to do for growth, we also need food.  What kind of food does it take to grow spiritually?

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Have you ever PRAYED to the only LIVING GOD?  As a young child, I was taught in #Church, #Sunday #School, and #Vacation #Bible School  by #teachers and #preachers from the Bible about God -the#Father, Jesus Christ -the #Son, and Holy Spirit -the #Comforter being separate, but one GOD.  Now in my senior years of life, I am still amazed and in utter awe at GOD’s  Omniscient Plan yet Compassionate Love to save us from eternal hell if we only PRAY to the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ asking forgiveness of our sins.  Miracle of Miracles then God the Father will accept us through His Son’s sacrificial blood for our sin and then we are given the Holy Spirit to Comfort us into eternity with the LORD.  I personally have prayed to God through Jesus Christ asking for forgiveness, redemption, and salvation.  I have had the privilege of being with many loved ones as they prayed and asked Christ to take away their sin as they wanted to live life with the Lord as their guide through life.  So why continue to pray if your saved?   Did Jesus leave us an example of prayer?  Did Jesus pray to God His Father?  He told his disciples while at Gethsemane, “Sit you here, WHILE I SHALL PRAY” Mark 14:32,39  “again HE went away and PRAYED and spake the same words”  (It’s ok to repeat)   May all of us be like his disciple seeking the LORD. “…as He (JESUS) was PRAYING in a certain place, when He finished, one of disciples said unto Him, Lord, teach us to pray.…and He (JESUS) said unto them, When YOU PRAY, SAY, ‘OUR FATHER’ WHICH ART IN HEAVEN, HALLOWED BE THY NAME.  THY KINGDOM COME.  THY WILL BE DONE, AS IN HEAVEN, SO IN EARTH.  GIVE US DAY BY DAY OUR DAILY BREAD.  FORGIVE US OUR SINS; FOR WE ALSO FORGIVE EVERY ONE THAT IS INDEBTED TO US.  LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION; BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL.”  Luke 11:1-4

Revive Us Again

Bible and Microphone
      19860601 Revive Us Again - Rev. Tommy Jones


With the #IowaCaucus and the #kickoff of the #primary and #election season, here in the #USA, ask yourself what would a revival do to the outcome? Not just in this country, but what would it do around the world?  Who wants revival and what is it?  Who needs it?  Where does it come from?  Who is it for?  What does it produce?

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