Christ Is The Answer – A Passage That Punctures Pride

Bible Audio Blog
      20000813 Christ Is The Answer - A Passage That Punctures Pride - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Pride is everywhere today, celebrated by the World.  But what does the #Bible say about pride?  Pride was the original sin.  Have we learned our lesson yet?  How can we puncture pride by looking at ourselves in the mirror of the Word?  How self confident should we be of gifts we have received from God?  What is it about pride that makes us slow down before the race is over?  We love to compare ourselves to others, but rarely do we compare ourselves to the apostles.  Listen for a special note on political correctness.  What are we willing to put aside for the Kingdom of God?  One more test of pride is how do you retaliate when wronged?

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The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Communication – Peacefully

Bible Audio Blog
      20060423 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Communication - Peacefully - Rev. Tommy Jones


Many of us look to our #political #leaders to bring us #peace.  Ironically, we are warned in the book of #Revelations about a leader that will soon come with a message of false peace.  But, Paul tells Christians the key to peace is prayer.  What did we learn to pray about last week?  Can we create peace?  How can an enemy of God find peace with God?  Is peace with God the same as peace of God?  The peace we are promised is more than just living in harmony with others.  It is peace that passes all understanding.  But what does that involve?  This is a peace that will guard the heart and mind.  Does that sound good right now?  This is not feel good self help but, rather, a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Mandate of Missions

Bible Audio Blog

This week we conclude the series of messages on #missions.   What is a #mandate and does it make a difference from where it comes?  A mandate is a command from someone in power.  In America, a political mandate comes from the people as they have the power to elect.  But, in a monarchy the command comes from the ruler.  As a follower of Jesus Christ, we must follow His commandments.  When Jesus said the fields are ripe with harvest, what did He mean?  What happens to a field that doesn’t get harvested?  It is sometimes very telling to hear the last words of famous people.  What were Christ’s last words before ascending to Heaven?  Would the lost in Hell beg us to go and be missionaries to their families?  According to the Bible, they would.  Who else is urging us to spread the good news of the Gospel?  Will you answer the call?

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