Basic Biblical Beliefs – Salvation – Two Sides

Bible Audio Blog
      19980809 Basic Biblical Beliefs - Salvation - Two Sides - Rev. Tommy Jones


We know from last week that #Jesus Christ is the only way to reconcile our #relationship with #God.  Let’s look at Salvation from God’s point of view.  Who came up with the plan?  Who suffered more by following the plan?  Who did all the fighting and the winning?  How important is our response?  What does it mean to repent and believe?  How are they linked?  

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Liberty In Law – Law of Legacy – Production of Propriety

Bible Audio Blog
      20050403 Liberty In Law - Law Of Legacy - Production Of Propriety - Rev. Tommy Jones


Happy #Mother’sDay!  Is the #culture today honoring #mothers and #fathers?  Can we blame it on today’s prevailing attitude or do we ourselves fail to measure up to God’s ideal?  As we transition from the commandments that apply to our relationship with God, the command to honor father and mother leads us into the commandments that apply to our relationship with other people.  What does that say about God’s ideal for society that He puts primary importance on family over government or school?  What does honoring your parents look like?  Does this only apply to God loving parents?  Where would we be without them?  How does God feel about disrespectful offspring?  Does the Bible say anything about the parents’ responsibility?  Is there anything unique about this commandment?  What can we see that D. L. Moody noticed many years ago about obedient children and their outcomes?

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Serving – As Experienced – Obediently

Bible Audio Blog
      20050821 Triumphant Serving - As Experienced - Obediently - Rev. Tommy Jones

#Trust and #obey for there’s no other way to be #happy in #Jesus.  That’s a line from an old hymn we used to sing all the time.  These days, we are being asked to obey a lot of sources, sometimes conflicting.  If you are in sync with God’s law , you will not be in conflict with man’s law except when those man made laws are immoral.  But, what does the Bible say about obedience?  Should we obey out of fear or love?  Which of these has a more consistent outcome?  Can it be both?  What does Paul mean when he tells the Philippians to ‘work out’ their salvation with fear and trembling?  Hint:  think miner.  Also, fear of what?

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A Challenge to Children

Bible Audio Blog
      19740623 A Challenge To Children - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Kids today, does that saying bring up positive or negative images?  #Mother’sDay and #Father’sDay have come and gone again.  Does the Bible say anything to children?  How does our early relationship to our Creator and to our family shape the rest of our life and future relationships?  Is God only for grownups?  What is the difference between honoring and obeying our parents?  Does the Bible give us an example of what that is supposed to look like?  How should children gain more responsibility?  What is their influence on their community?

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