Christ Is The Answer – The Consequences of The Resurrection

Bible Audio Blog
      20010325 Christ Is The Answer - The Consequences Of The Resurrection - Rev. Tommy Jones


Is there a pivotal moment in #Jesus Christ’s life that is make or break for #Christians?  Is it His birth that fulfilled all the #prophecies of the Old Testament?  Was it the first miracle of His ministry when Jesus turned water into wine?  Could it have been His many healings or when He fed the 5000?  How about when He died on the cross for our sins?  All of these might have disappeared into history had Christ not risen from the dead.  It is the key to a living faith.  Without the resurrection, what kind of faith would we have?  How could we have joy or hope?  What is the significance of the first fruits?  What does the resurrection mean for Believers?  

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Christ Is The Answer – Resources In Worship

Bible Audio Blog
      20010121 Christ Is The Answer - Resources In Worship - Rev. Tommy Jones


If trusting in #Jesus #Christ as your #Lord and #Savior only bestowed #eternal life on the #Believer that would be more than enough to make it worth our decision.  But God did not stop there.  He has bestowed every one of the Faithful with one nor more spiritual gifts.  Are spiritual gifts the same as spiritual fruit?  What are these gifts and can anybody have more than one?  Only the Holy Spirit enables a person to say that Jesus is Lord.  What will the true Christian never say?  What role do each of the three figures of the Godhead play in the function of these gifts?  For what purpose are we given these gifts?  Later Paul will give a full list of the spiritual gifts, but here he lists the ones the Corinthians were struggling to handle.  Why are some gifts less evident today?  The gifts Paul covers in this passage are wisdom, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, and the speaking and interpretation of tongues.

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Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Satisfaction of Life – Demonstrated By A Sign – 5000 Fed

Bible Audio Blog
      20060917 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Satisfaction Of Life - Demonstrated By A Sign - 5000 Fed - Rev. Tommy Jones


I have heard of stretching a #budget or scrounging together ingredients to make a #meal, but only one man could satisfactorily #feed a crowd of 5000 plus with five loaves of bread and two fishes.  Jesus Christ did that with baskets of leftovers.  The people he fed would not have starved without this food.  So, why would the Savior create sustenance for so many at this time?  Was there any hesitance from the disciples?  How about assistance?  Did Jesus need the boy’s lunch to perform this miracle?  Why did Jesus make enough to have leftovers?  Next week, God willing, the connection between Christ and the bread.

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Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Significance of Life – Demonstrated by a Sign

Bible Audio Blog
      20060903 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Significance Of Life - Demonstrated By A Sign - Rev. Tommy Jones


Are you #paralyzed by #hopelessness?  Where can we find #hope?  There was a pool at Bethesda rumored to have healing properties.  An immobile man was trying his best to get into the pool when Jesus came along.  Did Jesus help him into the pool?  Or did He speak a miracle over the man that taught us an even better lesson?  What could have caused Jesus to single this man out?  What is the significance of the question He asked the man?  Maybe you are suffering not from a physical ailment but a sinful state of living.  Jesus Christ can forgive your sin and that is even more significant than any physical condition you might have.  You just have to trust and obey.

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Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Secret of Life – Demonstrated By A Sign

Bible Audio Blog
      20060820 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Secret Of Life - Demonstrated By A Sign - Rev. Tommy Jones


I’ve got a #secret.  It is the secret to #life and #death.  But unlike other secrets and #conspiracies, it is a 2000 year old secret that does not depend on your membership in a #club or #class to be in the know.  Instead, it depends on you opening your eyes and ears.  Why would a well to do man travel long distances when he had a sick child at home?  How did he approach Jesus?  What is the purpose of suffering?  What lasts longer you or your troubles?  Many people ask God for a sign, but what did Jesus say to this man seeking a miracle?  ‘Believing is seeing’ will get you into trouble when it comes to human activity, but it is required with God.  How can putting Faith into action lead to confirmation?

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His Internal Ministry – The Pertinence Of The Holy Spirit – Giving Work Gifts

Bible Audio Blog

What is an #apostle?  Were they just the hand picked followers of #Christ or is the #HolySpirit still enabling Believers with the work gift of apostleship today?  I personally have a friend who has the work gift of craftsmanship.  

Brother Tommy next details the work gift of faith and how it differs from saving Faith.  What about the gift of giving?  Is it only for the well off individual?  What is it about the gifts of healing that makes us unsettled?  Does God always want someone healed?  What do we need to know about the gift of leadership?  How about mercy?  Are there still miracles being performed?  Which gift refers to feeding and caring for the flock?  And finally, similar to pastoring but standing on its own is serving.  What is the reward for using these gifts properly?

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Daylight Savings Time

Bible Audio Blog

      19870405 Daylight Savings Time - Rev. Tommy Jones


Where did we get the idea for #DaylightSavingsTime?  We think of it as a modern contrivance, but what if it has roots all the way back to the Old Testament in the Word of God?  Brother Tommy tells us of a day like none that had ever been before and has not been repeated since.  This is a tale of human deception and divine intervention.  Why did Joshua need more time that day?  Why did God answer his prayer affirmatively?  What scientific proof do we have that this event actually occurred?  What can we take away from this miracle?

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