Around #Valentines’ Day we see beautiful #hearts displayed everywhere!  I can remember when the most hearts I saw were in the school room where we would all exchange Valentines.  Today with all the advertising for commercial gain, we see hearts of all sizes and colors supposedly representing our affection for another by sharing our heart with them.  As a young girl, I wanted someone to give me a “beautiful red satin heart box filled with chocolate”  It was a nice dream that never came true, but I did get a cardboard one!  Why am I telling this, because I have received a beautiful new heart from the King of all Kings – my Lord and Savior.  This heart is filled with His never ending, everlasting love.  What a treasure!  “The LORD GOD said, ‘When I shall be honored in you before all peoples’ eyes I will cleanse you and I WILL GIVE YOU A NEW HEART, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I WILL TAKE AWAY THE  STONY HEART within you and I WILL GIVE YOU A HEART OF FLESH.”  Ezekiel 36:23-26   Have you received your new heart this year?  1John 3:16 “Receive the LOVE OF GOD, because He laid down His life for us..18. Let us not love in word or talk, but in deed and in truth encouraging our hearts before Him.”   Please accept the new heart which God is giving to you filled with His abundant love.  This is my Valentine which I am sharing with you!