Suddenly #No #Power in your #surroundings! We are all having more setbacks caused by power #outages whether it is no #electricity, #gas, #water, #food, #internet or #leadership. Where is your power source? Have you not known? Isaiah 40 tells all….”Understand from the foundations of the earth that it is the LORD who sits upon the circle of the earth …and brings princes to nothing and makes the judges of the earth as vanity….HE shall blow upon them and they shall wither being taken away as stubble. Lift up your eyes on high and behold the LORD who has created all things and can bring out the hosts in great number whom He calls all names by the greatness of His Might, for GOD IS STRONG IN POWER. Have you not heard? The Everlasting GOD, The LORD, the CREATOR of the ends of the earth – faints not..The LIVING GOD GIVES POWER to the FAINT and INCREASES THEIR STRENGTH. Even the young shall utterly fall, but THEY WHO WAIT UPON THE LORD SHALL RENEW THEIR STRENGTH.” The Living God is our “Power, Light, Water, Bread, Fortress, Victor, & Redeemer.” God’s supply never fails!