Basic Biblical Beliefs – The Offense of Overfamiliarity

Bible Audio Blog
      19980308 Basic Biblical Beliefs - The Offense Of Over Familiarity - Rev. Tommy Jones


Did you ever get something #new, but the #shine wore off?  Even #relationships are not immune, including our relationship with the #Lord #God Almighty.  Brother Tommy previously spoke about the infinite mystery of God and then the way He reveals parts of Himself to us.  So if we do not yet know everything about God, how can we become overly familiar?  What are some signs that we are taking God too lightly?  Culture, language, small ideas, and even the way we live are examples of this phenomenon.  What is the difference between an atheist and a practical atheist?  Are God’s sovereignty and our free will of equal importance?  If you pick and choose the qualities you choose to believe about God, you have just made an idol.  What then happens to absolutes like morality and truth?  How can we follow Isaiah’s example to properly revere the infinite God of the Universe?  God is not unknowable.  After all, He sent His Son, Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins to bring us into a relationship with Him.

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Liberty In Law – Law of Legacy – Preservation of Priority

Bible Audio Blog
      20050220 Liberty In Law - Law Of Legacy - Preservation Of Priority - Rev. Tommy Jones


Far from being #outdated, the #10commandments are the underpinnings of current #society.  Eight of the ten commandments contain a negative statement about what not to do.  But, each one actually carries both a positive and a negative.  What is involved in having no other god before the one true God?  Have most atheists come to a well studied intellectual conclusion that there is no God or is there another reason why people embrace that mindset?  Is it only alternative religions that we are being warned about in this first commandment?   What, if any, is the difference between Lord and God?  How highly revered was the name Jehovah by the Jewish people and priests?  What can we learn from what God says about Himself?  What does the name Emmanuel tell us about His plan to save us from the law?  How did the plagues destroy the false gods of Egypt?  Are there parallels between us and the wandering Israelites?  Who or what do we worship before God today?  Are we serving self or God?

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Christ Is The Answer – Rememberance In Worship

Bible Audio Blog
      20000625 Christ Is The Answer - In Remembrance Of Me, Drink This Cup - Rev. Tommy Jones


How should a #Christian #celebrate the Lord’s Supper?  Are there things to keep in mind when we partake of this sacrament?  How often should a church come together for the Lord’s Supper?  What can we learn from the mistakes that the Corinthians made regarding this ceremony?  How important is church unity?  Is the Lord’s Supper a chance to eat and drink or a time to show obedience?  How should we prepare for this ordinance?  Does God punish or chasten His people?  What is the difference and what is the proper response?  What is the message we send by properly partaking of the Lord’s Supper?

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The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Communication – Privately

Bible Audio Blog
      20060312 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Communication - Privately - Rev. Tommy Jones


What does your #InternalMonologue sound like?  Guaranteed, whatever you are saying to yourself in #private is spilling over into your words to others.  That doesn’t have to be a negative statement.  Here in Philippians, Paul tells his audience to ‘rejoice in the Lord always.’  If we were to do that continuously, what would be the effect on our conversations?  Of course you have to have a personal relationship with the Lord of the Universe to have a reason to praise Him perpetually.  How do you get that?  Go to our Gift link on the homepage of as i always say at the bottom of these messages.  Is this prosperity Gospel?  Did Paul write this from a place of opulence and comfort?  

What Is A Christian?

Bible Audio Blog

The word #Christian gets thrown around a lot these days.  Some use it as a #putdown others wear it like a #shield.  Is it the opposite of #atheist?  Does it depend on where you were born or to which family?  Are you a Christian because you joined a church or got baptized?  What does the Bible say about true followers of Jesus Christ?  How can imperfect people claim to be like Jesus?  If Christ died for everyone, why isn’t everyone saved?  Can you miss Heaven by 18 inches?  We call Jesus, Lord and Savior.  Many want Him as Savior but hesitate to make Him Lord.  Can you do enough good deeds to get into Heaven?  Does a Christian do good deeds?  Why?

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Lord’s Supper

Bible Audio Blog

      19841021 Lord's Supper - Rev. Tommy Jones


The #bodyofChrist, the #bloodofChrist, what do they have to do with a #wedding?  Today, we use the word ’betrothed’ to mean married, but it actually is a step in the process.  Where did the groom stay during the process?  How did the bride prepare?  How did the groom arrive?  What do all these customs have to do with us today?  Who are the groom and the bride?  As the bride waits, what is she supposed to be doing?  In case, you couldn’t tell by his voice, Brother Tommy was always looking for the announcement of the groom’s coming.  Are you excited yet?  If not, how can you get ready?

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#Exercise is constantly mentioned for benefiting our #health, #strength, and #well-being.   Whether we choose the latest strength developing gadgets, weights, stair climbers, treadmills or sport drinks, it seems they all work to stretch, extend, lungesquat and hydrate.  I had never equated the LORD with EXERCISE;  however, as I was reading Jeremiah 10:24….”I AM THE LORD WHO EXERCISES LOVINGKINDNESS, JUSTICE, AND RIGHTEOUSNESS ON EARTH; for I delight in these things.’ declares the LORD.”  Ps.36:5-9  “Thy LOVINGKINDNESS, O LORD extends to the heavens.  Thy FAITHFULNESS reaches to the skies.  Thy RIGHTEOUSNESS is like the mountains of God.  Thy JUDGEMENTS are like a great deep.   O Lord thou preservest man and beast how precious is Thy lovingkindness…They drink their fill of the abundance of Thy house; and Thou dost give them to drink of the river of Thy delights.  For with Thee is the fountain of life in Thy light we see light.  O continue Thy LOVINGKINDNESS to those who know Thee, and Thy RIGHTEOUSNESS to the upright in heart.  Let not the foot of pride come upon me.  And let not the hand of the wicked drive me away.  There the doers of iniquity have fallen;  They have been thrust down and cannot rise.”  “Do you not know:  Have you not heard?  The Everlasting God the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. . He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power.  Though youths grow weary and tired and stumble badly; yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; “  Ps.40:28-31



Whose #looking at #YOU NOW?  Ever play #hide and #seek?  Jeremiah 23:24 “Can a man hide himself in hiding places, so I DO NOT SEE HIM: declares the Lord.”  Which satellite, computer, tv, or phone is watching you?  Yet, before all this technology existed Jeremiah 16:15,17 tells us “As the LORD LIVES…..MY EYES are on all their ways.  They are not hidden from my face nor is their iniquity concealed from MY EYES”  I am shocked with so many people  wanting to expose their debased behavior before God and the world without shame.  Jeremiah 32:19 “Lord, God great in counsel and mighty deeds, whose EYES ARE OPEN TO ALL THE WAYS of the sons of men, giving to everyone according to his ways and according to the fruit of his deeds.”   Jer.20:12 “LORD SEES THE MIND AND THE HEART”  1Sam.16:7″…. GOD SEES NOT AS MAN SEES, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD LOOKS AT THE HEART.”