His Internal Ministry- The Pertinence of the Holy Spirit – Growing Outward Graces

Bible Audio Blog
      19750302 His Internal Ministry - The Pertinence Of The Holy Spirit - Growing Outward Graces - Rev. Tommy Jones


This week we look at three more facets of the #fruit of the #Spirit or as one scholar said #flowers in the #garden.  If you recall, Brother Tommy calls these parts of the fruit graces.  What is long-suffering and how is it similar to patience?  How do we know God is long-suffering?  What causes impatience?  How does faith in the Lord and the fruit of the Spirit counteract the World’s call, i.e. the news and social media, to be impatient with government and our own neighbors?  What is so attractive about gentleness and what are the opposite works of the flesh?  Can gentleness be counterfeited and for what reason?  What does true gentleness look like?  The sixth grace is goodness.  That word can be rather generic.  But, when you look at the opposite and the counterfeit, it becomes much more clear.  

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Fruit of the Spirit

Bible Audio Blog
      19870830 Fruit Of The Spirit - Rev. Tommy Jones


What makes a #Christian different from the rest of the World?  They bear #fruit.  Interestingly, my pastor at #BiltmoreChurch touched on this today when he said that it is the fruit of the Spirit, not the fruits of the Spirit.  His point was that Christians should have all of these characteristics not just a few (Brother Tommy makes this point as well).  Is #Love for others easy and natural or an act of will?  How do we get joy?  The whole world wants peace, and yet Christ has given it to His followers as a gift.  What is meant by long-suffering?  Is gentleness something we could use more of today?  Does goodness come from God our ourselves?  Faith produces what?  Is faith dependent on circumstances or situations?  How has meekness gotten a bad rap?  Was Jesus meek?  How about Moses?  Temperance or self control is not en vogue right now, but should it be?

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