Basic Biblical Beliefs – Salvation – The Saints Have Eternal Security

Bible Audio Blog
      19980823 Basic Biblical Beliefs - Salvation - The Saints Have Eternal Security - Rev. Tommy Jones


#EternalLife, how can we get it and can it be taken away?  Who are the #saints the #Bible refers to?  What does ‘once saved, always saved’ mean?  What does it not mean?  Who becomes a child of God?  Considering who saves us, who then can keep us?  What is being kept for Believers by the Lord until Judgment Day?  Can a person be unborn?  What does Jesus say about His ability to hold on to those that have been given to Him?  What can be deduced by roadblocks and hardships in a Christian’s life?  

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Christ Is The Answer – To Find & Fill Your Proper Place

Bible Audio Blog
      20000806 Christ Is The Answer - To Find & Fill Your Proper Place - Rev. Tommy Jones


What are we here for?  Many today find life #meaningless, #purposeless, or even downright #depressing.  #Christ is the answer.  In the body of Christ, the church, we can find acceptance and belonging.  But what happens when believers don’t take their proper place?  Paul told the Corinthians how to rectify this situation.  What part does humility play?  Less of me means more of Jesus.  What is a steward?  Management can be a draining job when there is a difficult boss or a rogue manager, but when there is a good boss or owner and the managers are aligned, the task becomes fulfilling even enjoyable.  Judgment is reserved for whom?  Paul put little weight in the judgment of others of him and none in his own judgment of himself.  Whose judgment really matters?  Will every Christian receive praise in the end?

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Christ Is The Answer – Lessons In Life Building

Bible Audio Blog
      20000723 Christ Is The Answer - Lessons In Life Building - Rev. Tommy Jones


How are you planning for the #future?  Every one of us is building a #life right now.  Some of us are just trying to #survive while others are expanding our #RealEstate or #401k.  But, what if there is a test at the end of this world to see what will last for eternity?  All buildings including our lives start with a foundation.  What makes Jesus Christ the only enduring foundation, the solid rock?  How is repentance like excavation?  The foundation is just the start.  What should we put on top of it?  The Bible says what you have built will be tried with fire.  What are works?  How does a works judgment differ from a salvation judgment?  How important will motives and means be?  

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What’s That Roar?

Bible Audio Blog
      19841223pm What's That Roar - Rev. Tommy Jones


Have you ever heard a #lion #roar?  I don’t mean an #imitation on tv or the computer.  I mean #live and in person.  It is powerful and you can feel it shake your whole body.  What can we learn about God from this amazing story about Amos?  Where does this roar come from?  Why is the roar being heard?  Is it a lack of church attendance or sacrificial giving or is it something more basic like turning their backs on God and treating others poorly?  Do you remember what Jesus said the two most important commandments are?  Does God judge the actions of men or the motivation?  How many of these sins being committed by these ancient nations can we see being done today?  How do we put human tradition ahead of divine instruction?  What is the only way to flee from God?

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