Christ Is The Answer – The Consequences of The Resurrection

Bible Audio Blog
      20010325 Christ Is The Answer - The Consequences Of The Resurrection - Rev. Tommy Jones


Is there a pivotal moment in #Jesus Christ’s life that is make or break for #Christians?  Is it His birth that fulfilled all the #prophecies of the Old Testament?  Was it the first miracle of His ministry when Jesus turned water into wine?  Could it have been His many healings or when He fed the 5000?  How about when He died on the cross for our sins?  All of these might have disappeared into history had Christ not risen from the dead.  It is the key to a living faith.  Without the resurrection, what kind of faith would we have?  How could we have joy or hope?  What is the significance of the first fruits?  What does the resurrection mean for Believers?  

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Christmas Time

Bible Audio Blog
      20001224 Christmas Time - Rev. Tommy Jones


Does #Christmas sneak up on you, or does it take forever to come around?  It probably depends on your age.  But whatever age you are, it can be a wonderful time.  Why do you think God sent His son when He did, not sooner or later?  Any birth is a cause for celebration, but how much more exciting is the birth that split time into before and after?  The birth of Jesus Christ also fulfilled 333 prophecies in the Old Testament.  How did the birth of Jesus bring joy and peace to this world?  How about hope and love?  God came down to Earth to restore a personal relationship with us, will you accept His gift?  

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Serving – As Exhorted – Regarding Love

Bible Audio Blog
      20050731 Triumphant Serving - As Exhorted - Regarding Love - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Love #unites, #hate divides.  Just look at the #news and #political discourse right now for proof.  You are #loved.  How can I say that without having met you?  Because the #Bible tells us so.  We are all given the ability to love others as well.  But left to our own desires we tend to love others that look like us, act like us, believe what we believe, or who can do something for us.  God has a different idea about how we should love, not selfishly but putting others first.  By serving others with love, we create unity in the church.  By serving the community with love, we bring others into the fellowship of Believers.  What encouraging factors does Paul give us to motivate this love that unites?  What is the right kind of love and how do we practice that?  What does humility have to do with loving others?  What is humility and what is it not?  Near the end Brother Tommy mentions the order that our priorities should take.  Take the first letter of each priority and it spells what you get when you do it right (J-O-Y).

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Suffering – Of An Internal Nature – Courteously

Bible Audio Blog
      20050605 Triumphant Suffering - Of An Internal Nature - Courteously - Rev. Tommy Jones


These days we are told that #suffering is to be avoided.  As if we needed to be told to avoid suffering.  Our human nature actually learns at a very young age which actions lead to pain and how to keep from getting hurt.  But, Paul showed us through his writings how to turn our problems into opportunities for triumphant joy.  What circumstance did Paul find himself in while writing to the church at Philippi?  Who was Timothy and why was he mentioned?  What is the significance of calling themselves servants?  Are there positives to being a bond slave to Jesus Christ?  What term did Paul use to describe the Christians at this church?  What is the importance of the qualifier ‘in Christ’?  Where was Philippi located and what was its strategic importance to the spreading of the Gospel?  How did Paul greet the diverse audience of this letter in an inclusive manner?  Why is the order of his words important?

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Easter Journey Into Joy

Bible Audio Blog

I can’t even.  We have two more messages in the series we have been doing on the #devil.  But after the celebration I just attended for the #resurrection of my #Lord and #Savior #Jesus Christ, I had to share a message about Easter.  We serve a living God.  What do we know about Jesus and His activities after His death and resurrection?  Did Christ only appear to the 11 remaining disciples?  What can we relate to about these travelers Jesus appeared to on their journey to Emmaus?  Did they have faith?  How about hope?  Were they confronted with truth?  What did they mean when they said their hearts burned within them?  Did Jesus insist on going in their home or was he invited?  I encourage you to engage the Lord and Savior in conversation and invite Him into your life.

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His Internal Ministry- The Pertinence of the Holy Spirit – Growing Inward Graces

Bible Audio Blog

      19750223 His Internal Ministry - The Pertinence Of The Holy Spirit - Growing Inward Graces - Rev. Tommy Jones


What is the difference between #gifts of the Spirit and #graces or #fruit of the Spirit?  And why is it fruit and not fruits?  What do the first three graces have in common in terms of character?  Why does Paul list off a laundry list of obnoxious works of the flesh right before he lists off the fruit of the Spirit?  What is counterfeit fruit and from where does it come?  Ahh, love – who doesn’t want that?  What is its opposite work of the flesh?  How does Satan confuse us with its counterfeit?  What does the real fruit look like?  What about joy and peace?

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Fruit of the Spirit

Bible Audio Blog

      19870830 Fruit Of The Spirit - Rev. Tommy Jones


What makes a #Christian different from the rest of the World?  They bear #fruit.  Interestingly, my pastor at #BiltmoreChurch touched on this today when he said that it is the fruit of the Spirit, not the fruits of the Spirit.  His point was that Christians should have all of these characteristics not just a few (Brother Tommy makes this point as well).  Is #Love for others easy and natural or an act of will?  How do we get joy?  The whole world wants peace, and yet Christ has given it to His followers as a gift.  What is meant by long-suffering?  Is gentleness something we could use more of today?  Does goodness come from God our ourselves?  Faith produces what?  Is faith dependent on circumstances or situations?  How has meekness gotten a bad rap?  Was Jesus meek?  How about Moses?  Temperance or self control is not en vogue right now, but should it be?

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Redeeming The Time

Bible and Microphone

      19880508pm Redeeming The Time - Rev. Tommy Jones


What was your #resolution this year?  Was it to make better use of your #time?  What does the Bible say about the best way to use our time?  Why is right now called the present?  Because it is a gift from God.  What two days are able to steal the joy and productivity from today?  Wasting or killing time is akin to what?  Where should we find our priorities?  See procrastination as a what?  Ouch.  Are happiness and joy a choice?

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