His Internal Ministry – The Person of the Holy Spirit

Bible Audio Blog
      19741110 His Internal Ministry - The Person Of The Holy Spirit - Rev. Tommy Jones


Today, we have the introduction of a series of messages on the #HolySpirit.  John 14 teaches us that we need to know about all 3 persons of the one true #God.  You may know God the Father and you may have accepted Jesus Christ the Son as your Lord and Savior, but do you know the person of the Holy Spirit.  Without God’s Word, the Bible, it is improbable that you will strike the right balance.  What harm is there in over or under emphasizing the Holy Spirit?  What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit and to speak the Word with boldness?  The next 12 messages are meant to enlighten and strengthen your Christian walk.  Who is the Holy Spirit and what is His relationship with the Father and the Son?  What capacities does the Bible tell us of His personality?  Was He there at the Creation, how about the baptism of Jesus Christ?  Is He a power or a person?  Is He diety?  Have you ever heard Him referred to as the Holy Ghost?  Why is that an incorrect translation?  Why doesn’t He have a more proper name like God or Jesus?  What are seven pictures given to us of the Holy Spirit?  What are His duties?  


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The Winning Witness’ Travail

Bible Audio Blog
      19810222 Winning Witnesses - The Witness' Travail - Rev. Tommy Jones


What kind of #labor or travail does a #winning #witness have to go through even though they have the truth of God’s Word and the strength of the Holy Spirit?  From where should our burden for the lost come?  What makes this burden grow?  How much was Paul concerned for the lost?  How about Jesus?  Is this travail meant to bring us down?  How strongly did Paul wish that he could save everyone?  When you listen to Paul’s description of his fellow Israelites in their lost state, do you see any parallels to our current society?

Housekeeping note:  I did not have one of these messages titled the Winning Witness’ Target, but if you listen, Brother Tommy recaps it at the beginning of this message.

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Serve One Another

Bible Audio Blog
      19831030pm Serve One Another - Rev. Tommy Jones


What is wrong with looking out for #1?  Where does serving #self first get us?  What does serving others have to do with #freedom in #Christ?  Does freedom in Christ mean freedom to sin?  What does freedom have to do with servitude?  What should this service look like and what should it not look like?  Listen to the list of things that happen when people live selfishly and ask yourself if you don’t see more of that every year?  Now, listen to the list of the Fruit of the Spirit and ask yourself if you have them?  These grow by following Jesus and serving others in love.

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A New Year without Fear

Bible Audio Blog
      19850106 A New Year Without Fear - Rev. Tommy Jones


Was 2017 a scary place for you?  It seemed full of #uprisings, #protests, #politics, and just bad news.  But what was your reference point?  Did you know that there are 365 times the Bible says ‘fear not.’  Will you approach 2018 in faith or fear?  Are there any good or healthy fears?  What can overcome unhealthy or irrational fears?  If believers in God have not been given a spirit of fear like the Bible says, what keeps some of us from moving forward?

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A Larger View of Christmas

Bible Audio Blog
      19861214 A Larger View of Christmas - Rev. Tommy Jones


What does #Christmas mean to you?  Maybe it brings to mind #CandyCanes, #SantaClaus, #ChristmasTrees, and #presents.  Is there any room in there for #Jesus Christ?  Having been in retail for most of my career, I can tell you that if you don’t slow down a little bit during this season you can miss the miracle.  Was Jesus’ birth a surprise?  Was it a last minute attempt to save mankind?  Is the prophecy about Jesus complete?  Why was Jesus not born into a palace?  What was the practice of kinsman redeemer?  Did we exist before birth, will we exist after death?  How is this different from / similar to Jesus Christ?  Why did Jesus need to come down at all?

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The Blood Atonement

Bible Audio Blog
      19880117 The Blood Atonement - Rev. Tommy Jones


Why do #Christian #churches preach and sing so much about #blood?  Because, the #Bible puts a great deal of emphasis on blood.  But why?  How are shadows similar to our understanding of God?  Is there a right way to worship?  If there is a right way, doesn’t that mean there is a wrong way?  What was wrong with Cain’s offering compared to Abel’s?  Blood offerings throughout the Old Testament are a foreshadowing of what event?

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Dead Priests

Bible Audio Blog
      19840429pm Dead Priests - Rev. Tommy Jones


What book of the Bible calls #Jesus, not only a priest, but the #HighPriest?  Why is that important?  Why don’t most Christian churches have a priest?  How does Christ differ from and surpass the priests of the past?  What were the qualifications for the Jewish priesthood?  What was the original purpose of this position and its activities?  What was pictured by this system?  By the way, did you ever wonder how Old Testament Godly men and women were saved before Jesus was even born?

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Ethics Regarding Situation

Bible Audio Blog
      19800604 ROR - As Encouragement To Ethics - Topical Considerations - Regarding Situation - Rev. Tommy Jones


How are our #ethics shaped by the situation in which we find ourselves?  Should each situation have an effect on our ethics?  What are the purposes of situational ethics?  What are the dangers?  What is the ‘Pure Principle of Love?’  Did Jesus ever set aside the law in favor of a person?  Did Christ come to destroy the law or fulfill it?  What is wrong with a theory based on the exception rather than the rule?  What happens when there are no absolutes?  I would like to remind you that this message was delivered in 1980 and it is more true today than when it was first delivered.

Next week we will start to look at what the Bible says about tangible ethics of an honorable nature.

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