Basic Biblical Beliefs – Salvation – Two Sides

Bible Audio Blog
      19980809 Basic Biblical Beliefs - Salvation - Two Sides - Rev. Tommy Jones


We know from last week that #Jesus Christ is the only way to reconcile our #relationship with #God.  Let’s look at Salvation from God’s point of view.  Who came up with the plan?  Who suffered more by following the plan?  Who did all the fighting and the winning?  How important is our response?  What does it mean to repent and believe?  How are they linked?  

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – Salvation – One Way

Bible Audio Blog
      19980802 Basic Biblical Beliefs - Salvation - One Way - Rev. Tommy Jones


Everyone is looking for #salvation even if they don’t know what it looks like.  It is a big theme in our entertainment, athletics, business, and many other areas.  But, they are merely mirroring the most important question in life:  salvation of our soul.  Is it true that all religions lead to God?  Judge it against the Word of God.  What is the straight and narrow path?  Is it exclusionary when it is open to all?  Is it inconsistent when it answers all of God’s extremely high requirements?  Does it still include all of God’s qualities?  God sent His Son, Jesus, not to condemn us but to save us.

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – Divine Arithmetic

Bible Audio Blog
      19980315 Basic Biblical Beliefs - Divine Arithmetic - Rev. Tommy Jones


Just as there is #AbsoluteTruth about God there are absolute mysteries about Him also, as Brother Tommy mentioned in previous messages.  Today we are talking about the divine arithmetic that is the #Trinity of God, God in three persons.  Was the Trinity invented by man to explain God or does it have its basis in God’s Holy Word?  How does the Trinity adhere to monotheism?  In Jesus’ own words, what did He say about God and Himself?  What did Jesus say about the Holy Spirit?  Analogies can be made about the Trinity to help us understand this concept, but all of them fall short of the real thing because of its divine nature.  What dangers are involved in underemphasizing or overemphasizing the three persons of the Triune God?  If we cannot fully understand this basic Biblical belief, why bring it up and is it important to the life saving Gospel message?  

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – The Offense of Overfamiliarity

Bible Audio Blog
      19980308 Basic Biblical Beliefs - The Offense Of Over Familiarity - Rev. Tommy Jones


Did you ever get something #new, but the #shine wore off?  Even #relationships are not immune, including our relationship with the #Lord #God Almighty.  Brother Tommy previously spoke about the infinite mystery of God and then the way He reveals parts of Himself to us.  So if we do not yet know everything about God, how can we become overly familiar?  What are some signs that we are taking God too lightly?  Culture, language, small ideas, and even the way we live are examples of this phenomenon.  What is the difference between an atheist and a practical atheist?  Are God’s sovereignty and our free will of equal importance?  If you pick and choose the qualities you choose to believe about God, you have just made an idol.  What then happens to absolutes like morality and truth?  How can we follow Isaiah’s example to properly revere the infinite God of the Universe?  God is not unknowable.  After all, He sent His Son, Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins to bring us into a relationship with Him.

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – Our Knowledge Of God

Bible Audio Blog
      19980215 Basic Biblical Beliefs - Our Knowledge Of God - Rev. Tommy Jones


Well, you’ve certainly been patient waiting for this next message on basic biblical beliefs.  Can we know #God?  Last time, we concentrated on the #mystery of God and now we are going through what we can know of the Creator.  How great is it that God made us in such a way that we can long for and find Him?  What is the knowledge of God that every man has?  Why does the Bible assume the existence of God instead of trying to prove God?  Science keeps finding more complexity and asks where it came from, but we know.  As Ray Comfort says, “the building is evidence of a builder.”  That is general revelation of the knowledge of God, but what’s special revelation and where do we get it?  First, we start with His inerrant written Word, the Bible.  Second, we find more closeness with God through His perfect son, the living Word, Jesus.  

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – The Mystery Of God

Bible Audio Blog
      19980208 Basic Biblical Beliefs - The Mystery Of God - Rev. Tommy Jones


Why can we not see #God?  I have heard many people say they would believe in God if He would just show Himself.  What did God tell Moses when he asked something similar?  We cannot even understand all that we have seen of the creation much less the Creator.  Does the mystery of God make Him more or less worthy of worship?  Is it also a kindness that He doesn’t reveal all of Himself to us?  When you see a mystery are you drawn in or are you repelled?  God did give Moses a glimpse of Himself and later He showed Himself to all of us as well in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ.

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – Give Attendance To Doctrine

Bible Audio Blog
      19980201 Basic Biblical Beliefs - Give Attendance To Doctrine - Rev. Tommy Jones


Who is #right?  Who is #wrong?  Everybody has an #opinion, #angle, or #spin on it.  What does the #Creator of the Universe have to say about it?  This website is called Find Bible Truth.  So what did Brother Tommy have to say about what the Bible tells us about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and how they should affect our lives.  We will go through this subject for many weeks, starting with our beliefs or doctrine.  Did Jesus negate anything found in the Old Testament or did He take it further?  We were warned in the New Testament that there would come a time when people would not endure sound doctrine.  What is the apostles’ creed and other statements of Faith?  Do you know what you believe?  Does it show?

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Liberty In Law – Law of Love

Bible Audio Blog
      20050522 Liberty In Law - Law Of Love - Rev. Tommy Jones


Oops, I made you wait long enough for the #GoodNews that #Jesus brought to us after we figured out we could not possibly keep the #Law.  If the Ten Commandments show us that we cannot measure up to God’s holy standard, how can we possibly hope to enter His presence much less have a relationship with Him?  What commandment did Jesus give us before He sacrificed Himself for us and defeated death through His resurrection?  Even back in 2005, Brother Tommy saw the rampant examples of the law of hate.  It is easy to hate or at least not to love each other.  How can we keep this new commandment?  God thought it, Jesus brought it, and the Holy Spirit wrought it.  How does loving God fully and our neighbor as ourself automatically keep the Ten Commandments?  

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