The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Contemplation – Thoughtfully

Bible Audio Blog
      20060430 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Thoughtfully - Rev. Tommy Jones


#MentalHealth is a big topic these days from the candidates for the #Presidency all the way down to the individuals struggling with #uncertainty, #division, and downright #panic.  We know that Satan is the author of chaos and discontent.  But, what does the Bible say is the solution to elevating our thoughts?  Without first yielding your life to Jesus, this list will only provide temporary relief.  For instance, the very first exhortation to focus on what is true, is very hard if not impossible to discern without knowing Christ.  The same goes for the rest of this list of thoughts about what is honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report.  It takes effort to focus on these things because the world is busy shoving the opposite at us.  

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Honorable Nature

Bible Audio Blog
      19800611 ROR - As Encouragement To Ethics - Tactical Considerations - Of An Honorable Nature - Rev. Tommy Jones


What is an #honorable or #honest life?  Listen to the three examples Brother Tommy gives about #fiscal responsibility, #immigration, and #economics.  How does dishonesty start?  What does the Bible say about honesty?  How does an honorable life go beyond the honest life?  What does the Bible say about slander, deceit, and even not speaking when we should?  So, we can disobey God whether we are speaking or not.  How can we lead a life of integrity?  Why is it so important to practice at home as well as at work?  The last half of this message must have been written by his wife, my mother, Barbara.  It is about teaching all of this to your children.

Next week we will start to look at what the Bible says about tangible ethics of a personal nature.

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