Basic Biblical Beliefs – Salvation – Two Sides

Bible Audio Blog
      19980809 Basic Biblical Beliefs - Salvation - Two Sides - Rev. Tommy Jones


We know from last week that #Jesus Christ is the only way to reconcile our #relationship with #God.  Let’s look at Salvation from God’s point of view.  Who came up with the plan?  Who suffered more by following the plan?  Who did all the fighting and the winning?  How important is our response?  What does it mean to repent and believe?  How are they linked?  

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – Divine Arithmetic

Bible Audio Blog
      19980315 Basic Biblical Beliefs - Divine Arithmetic - Rev. Tommy Jones


Just as there is #AbsoluteTruth about God there are absolute mysteries about Him also, as Brother Tommy mentioned in previous messages.  Today we are talking about the divine arithmetic that is the #Trinity of God, God in three persons.  Was the Trinity invented by man to explain God or does it have its basis in God’s Holy Word?  How does the Trinity adhere to monotheism?  In Jesus’ own words, what did He say about God and Himself?  What did Jesus say about the Holy Spirit?  Analogies can be made about the Trinity to help us understand this concept, but all of them fall short of the real thing because of its divine nature.  What dangers are involved in underemphasizing or overemphasizing the three persons of the Triune God?  If we cannot fully understand this basic Biblical belief, why bring it up and is it important to the life saving Gospel message?  

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – Give Attendance To Doctrine

Bible Audio Blog
      19980201 Basic Biblical Beliefs - Give Attendance To Doctrine - Rev. Tommy Jones


Who is #right?  Who is #wrong?  Everybody has an #opinion, #angle, or #spin on it.  What does the #Creator of the Universe have to say about it?  This website is called Find Bible Truth.  So what did Brother Tommy have to say about what the Bible tells us about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and how they should affect our lives.  We will go through this subject for many weeks, starting with our beliefs or doctrine.  Did Jesus negate anything found in the Old Testament or did He take it further?  We were warned in the New Testament that there would come a time when people would not endure sound doctrine.  What is the apostles’ creed and other statements of Faith?  Do you know what you believe?  Does it show?

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Liberty In Law – Law of Love

Bible Audio Blog
      20050522 Liberty In Law - Law Of Love - Rev. Tommy Jones


Oops, I made you wait long enough for the #GoodNews that #Jesus brought to us after we figured out we could not possibly keep the #Law.  If the Ten Commandments show us that we cannot measure up to God’s holy standard, how can we possibly hope to enter His presence much less have a relationship with Him?  What commandment did Jesus give us before He sacrificed Himself for us and defeated death through His resurrection?  Even back in 2005, Brother Tommy saw the rampant examples of the law of hate.  It is easy to hate or at least not to love each other.  How can we keep this new commandment?  God thought it, Jesus brought it, and the Holy Spirit wrought it.  How does loving God fully and our neighbor as ourself automatically keep the Ten Commandments?  

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Comfort One Another

Bible Audio Blog
      19831030am Comfort One Another - Rev. Tommy Jones


As we look forward to the good news of #Easter, let’s look at how to #comfort one another.  Can everybody give comfort? Has anybody told you, ‘everything will be alright’, ‘time makes it all better,’ or ‘cheer up, it could be worse’?  What comfort did Jesus give us in the New Testament?  How did a shepherd use his rod and staff?  Have you even acknowledged the true source of your discomfort?  Does the Bible give us examples of ways not to comfort?  Ever heard of Karma?  Like the great instruction manual it is, the Bible also tells us the proper way to comfort.  And don’t forget the Great Comforter, the Holy Spirit.

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This time of year, we hear about and see all manner of #evil #spirit aberrations in #movies, #TV, and yes-even on neighborhood doorsteps!  Today our society seems to embrace the spirit of evil with glee, but refute the HOLY SPIRIT.   The Bible clearly proclaims God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Do You?  These are just a few Bible verses I would like to share with you  Not as a TRICK, but a TREAT…. “The hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in SPIRIT and TRUTH; for the Father seeks such to worship Him.  GOD IS SPIRIT.” John 4:23  “We have not received the SPIRIT OF BONDAGE TO FEAR but received the SPIRIT of ADOPTION so we can call , Abba Father.   The SPIRIT bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.” Rom.8:15,16  “GOD REVEALS to us by HIS SPIRIT, for the SPIRIT SEARCHES all things, yes the deep things of GOD.  We have not received the spirit of the world, but the SPIRIT which is of GOD; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of GOD.  So things which we speak are not words teaching  man’s wisdom, but the HOLY GHOST TEACHINGS comparing spiritual things with spiritual.” 1Corth.2:10-13  “Now the LORD IS THAT SPIRIT: and where the SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS, THERE IS LIBERTY.” 11Corth.3:17  “Rejoice.. pray…be thankful..QUENCH NOT THE SPIRIT...” 1Thess.5:16-19 ” Avoid even the appearance of evil. ”  On this Halloween, are you promoting the spirit of fear and evil or do you show the Spirit of the Lord in a loving, caring, giving demeanor?   Let God’s Spirit shine through the darkness.

Knowing God

Bible and Microphone
      19880522pm Knowing God - Rev. Tommy Jones


If the Bible says that knowing God is the greatest height a man can attain, where does that leave the #atheist, or the #agnostic?  Is the Bible the only place where we can find out more about God?  Does science exclude or disprove God?  Are those that deny the law of gravity, immune to it?  What is the Word of God?  How can it be described as both simple and profound?  What else draws us to our need for God?  If there were just a created World for us to live in and the Word of God for us to read it might be enough, but God did not stop there in His gifts to reveal Himself to us.  Who is the helper God sent to help us know Him?

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How To Avoid Grieving The Holy Spirit

Bible Audio Blog
      19860302pm How To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit - Rev. Tommy Jones


Who is the #HolySpirit?  How do we avoid grieving the Holy Spirit?  What does that tell us about the Holy Spirit that we can grieve Him?  What part of our #body tends to give the Holy Spirit the most grievance?  Hint: it is as sharp as a two edged sword.  Surprise, the Bible tells believers to get angry.  But, what kind of angry?  What is meant by sexual immorality and uncleanness?  What does ’separated living’ mean?

Editor’s note:  I took the liberty of changing this message title from the original ‘How To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit,’ because I felt this subject was more fully addressed in other offerings.

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