Have you ever tried to lead a horse?  When I was eleven years old, I was living in Denver where my Uncle Roy owned a Race and Rodeo business.  His store had a huge neon sign on top of the store with a cowboy riding a quarter horse while lassoing a running calf.  I loved seeing the fancy handmade leather saddles being made on site and checking out the luxury horse trailers he sold in the parking lot, but my favorite pass time was observing the beautiful horses stabled on the acreage behind the store.  One day, my uncle saw me watching the horses that had just come in from their workout and he said, “Barbara Ruth (I was named after his wife, Aunt Ruth) come lead those horses around the corral for a cool down”  I was thrilled!  I was walking three thorough bred magnificent horses when my father seemingly came from nowhere jumping over the fence to grab the horses’ reins saying “Get out quickly – duck under the gate!”  After returning the horses to the stables, I heard him tell his brother, “Do not ever put my daughter in harms way again!”  That day, I learned a life lesson about leading.  I was thrilled and excited to be trusted with precious very expensive beautiful horses, but my father knew I was not prepared to handle those high spirited animals.  My father was watching after me that day even when I was oblivious to him..”Even there shall GOD’S HAND LEAD ME, and His right hand shall hold me.” Ps.139:10   From that day to this one,  I have seen, felt, and heard my heavenly Father leading.  “When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then GOD knew my path” Ps.142:3  ”  I have handed the reins of my life over to God, the Father..”So the LORD DID LEAD HIM, and there was no strange god with him”Deut.32:12  “Search me, O GOD, know my heart, test me, and know my thoughts: see if there is any painful way in me, and LEAD ME IN THE EVERLASTING WAY.” Ps.139:23,24