What Is A Christian?

Bible Audio Blog

The word #Christian gets thrown around a lot these days.  Some use it as a #putdown others wear it like a #shield.  Is it the opposite of #atheist?  Does it depend on where you were born or to which family?  Are you a Christian because you joined a church or got baptized?  What does the Bible say about true followers of Jesus Christ?  How can imperfect people claim to be like Jesus?  If Christ died for everyone, why isn’t everyone saved?  Can you miss Heaven by 18 inches?  We call Jesus, Lord and Savior.  Many want Him as Savior but hesitate to make Him Lord.  Can you do enough good deeds to get into Heaven?  Does a Christian do good deeds?  Why?

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Devoted to One Another

Bible Audio Blog

      19830904pm Devoted To One Another - Rev. Tommy Jones


What can we learn from looking at our #fam ?  They are #God given and yet not #perfect.  We can say that about our own family but we don’t want anybody else to criticize them.  How does that picture of devotion relate to the way we are to treat our family of God?  The Bible calls fellow believers in Christ, ‘brothers’ 230 times.  Can Christians become even closer than blood relatives? Is this devoted behavior automatic and immediate?  What are some excuses we give for not being devoted to one another enough?  What can we do to improve?

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When was the last time you observed “respect” being shown?  Possibly you saw others respectfully remembering someone at a funeral; however, many of those services have ceased.  As a child I noticed all the men tipping their hat to the young and old women as they passed on the sidewalk and if they came to the entrance of a store, the man would always open the door for her thereby showing his respect.  Today…many people rush to get there first or let me open the door for them without so much as a thank you.  “Respect” Has it flown out the window with our explosion of knowledge?  The Word of God tells us who is worthy of HIS esteem.  In Exodus 2 the children of Israel were slaves in Egypt when God heard their groaning and remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  25.”God looked upon the children of Israel, and GOD HAD RESPECT UNTO THEM”   Are you in your own bondage today?  Could it be sickness, strife, wheelchair, depression, relationships, money, drugs, family, work, or unknown?  “Though the LORD be high, yet hath HE RESPECT UNTO THE LOWLY; but the proud HE knows afar off.  Though I walk in the midst of trouble, God will revive me: He shall stretch forth His hand against the wrath of my enemies, and His right hand shall save me.” Ps.138:6,7  May we learn ‘R E S P E C T’ from the great I AM who is a memorial to all generations.