Easter – The Power Of The Resurrection

Bible Audio Blog
      20050327 Easter - The Power Of The Resurrection - Rev. Tommy Jones


Why do we celebrate #Easter?  Is it just to mark the beginning of #Spring or to get #chocolate?  Some do, but the original and best reason is to celebrate when God raised His only Son from the dead to defeat the curse of sin.  Does God have resurrection power?  Is there any proof outside of the Bible to corroborate that Jesus Christ rose alive from the tomb?  Can you personally know the power of the resurrection?  What kind of power can you expect?  If you are not a Christian, how should you dress for Easter?

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Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Surety of Life – Delineated By A Saying – Resurrection And The Life

Bible Audio Blog
      20061112 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Surety Of Life - Delineated By A Saying - Resurrection & Life - Rev. Tommy Jones


God’s timing is perfect.  When I started this series, I did not plan to end on #Easter bringing you this message.  But, #God did.  You will #live forever.  But, where?  #Jesus said that He was the #Resurrection and the #Life.  Did He back that up with actions?  Has anyone else been able to duplicate what Christ did?  Did Jesus reveal His identity and most significant truths in large gatherings or one on one?  Why?  Death haunts us all, even more so the older we get.  Can this statement lead us to a decision that will take the sting out of death?  Is it accurate to call death the enemy?  How does this statement of resurrection and life cover everything?  

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Two Explanations

Bible Audio Blog
      19790415 Two Explanations - Easter - Rev. Tommy Jones


#MarchMadness has nothing compared to the excitement and implications of #Easter.  How can you explain the incredible #Resurrection story found in the #Bible?  Who rolled away the stone blocking Jesus’ grave?  What does this mean for us about our own death?  What would have happened to Christianity if Christ had not risen?  What side of the stone do you find yourself on?  Why send an angel to roll the stone away?  What can we learn from the angel’s message?

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