The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Contemplation – Thoughtfully

Bible Audio Blog
      20060430 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Thoughtfully - Rev. Tommy Jones


#MentalHealth is a big topic these days from the candidates for the #Presidency all the way down to the individuals struggling with #uncertainty, #division, and downright #panic.  We know that Satan is the author of chaos and discontent.  But, what does the Bible say is the solution to elevating our thoughts?  Without first yielding your life to Jesus, this list will only provide temporary relief.  For instance, the very first exhortation to focus on what is true, is very hard if not impossible to discern without knowing Christ.  The same goes for the rest of this list of thoughts about what is honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report.  It takes effort to focus on these things because the world is busy shoving the opposite at us.  

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The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Congregation – Through Unity

Bible Audio Blog
      20060305 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Congregation - Through Unity - Rev. Tommy Jones


Around the world right now, we are seeing strife and division with #protests, #looting, and #riots.  Many want to #StandUp and be seen as #oppressed.  In this message, we see Paul writing from his wrongful imprisonment not lamenting his situation, but rather encouraging the church at Philippi to unite around one another.  Stability in the Lord produces what?  The enemy’s common trick is to inflate our sense of being right while blinding us to the view from the other side.  How can we counter this by ‘being of the same mind’ of Christ?  That’s even better than seeing the other person’s point of view.  Why does Paul request a third person to help with this dispute between two ladies in the church?  

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