Are you #shocked at the current state of in-person attendance in the #church? The Bible says that as we get closer to the #EndTimes there will be a falling away. That doesn’t mean we should stop growing the church. But is there a proper way to do that? What is church discipline? Of course, all are welcome to come to church and hear about the sacrificial Salvation of God. However, the Bible has something to say about immorality among the members. What is wrong with a church tolerating sin? What if that church celebrates their tolerance? Have you seen church discipline in action? It is rare if non-existent. Could this be why the World hurls the insult of hypocrisy at the weakened Church? What does Paul mean when he says to turn the sinner over to the destruction of the flesh? Is that some Old Testament Leviticus style justice? Is the ultimate goal of church discipline a pure church or a restored Believer? Why not both? Paul reiterates the message of Jesus that the Faithful are to judge ourselves and our church not the unbelievers.
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