The Joy of Jesus – Pointing To Perfection – Continuously

Bible Audio Blog
      20051120 Joy Of Jesus - Pointing To Perfection - Continuously - Rev. Tommy Jones


Do you know anybody who thinks they are #perfect?  Ironically, #Christian maturity comes with a growing realization of our own imperfection.  Without knowledge of our flaws, how can we grow?  Rather than an excuse to not even try, this should be a call to action.  Our road to perfection starts with a decision.  What comes next?  When we are moving whether it is walking, running, or driving we tend to move in the direction we are looking.  Where should our eyes be focused?

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The Winning Witness’ Target

Bible Audio Blog
      19801214 Winning Witnesses - The Witness' Target - Rev. Tommy Jones


There is a saying about stepping out of your #ComfortZone, ‘you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.’  What is the target of witnessing?  Is it a #decision or a #disciple?  How do we disciple a new Christian?  If Jesus has done all the work already, and He has, what is left for us to do?  How are we supposed to guide a new believer through the truths and promises available to us?  That is Christ for us but what does the Bible mean when it says Christ in us?  What warnings does a new believer need to hear?  Is it only warnings that they need?  What can we learn about treating new believers by the examples of both Jesus Christ and Paul, the missionary?

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Love One Another

Bible Audio Blog
      19830911pm Love One Another - Rev. Tommy Jones


There are many stories and songs about #Love.  But, what does God’s Word say about how we should love?  What is the difference between feeling love and deciding to love?  What does the Bible say that love is not?  What does the Bible say about Christians who don’t love their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ?  What is the alternative to loving someone for who they are?  What strange turnaround occurs when you pray for someone?

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