Rest In Peace

Bible Audio Blog
      19870628 Rest In Peace - Rev. Tommy Jones


#RIP or #RestInPeace, we see it on #Facebook or #Twitter whenever someone passes away.  But, what does it mean and is it possible?  What is the Sabbath and how does it relate to rest?  Does God get tired?  Why did He take a day of rest?  God set an example, but what did He command us concerning a day of rest?  Why do Christians worship and rest on the first day of the week instead of the seventh?  What does all of this have to do with the Passover?  What does the Sabbath that comes from God through his Son, Jesus Christ, have to do with eternal rest?

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Two Explanations

Bible Audio Blog
      19790415 Two Explanations - Easter - Rev. Tommy Jones


#MarchMadness has nothing compared to the excitement and implications of #Easter.  How can you explain the incredible #Resurrection story found in the #Bible?  Who rolled away the stone blocking Jesus’ grave?  What does this mean for us about our own death?  What would have happened to Christianity if Christ had not risen?  What side of the stone do you find yourself on?  Why send an angel to roll the stone away?  What can we learn from the angel’s message?

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#Riding on  any #animal which has not been trained is  just #looking for a #tumble!  Being raised in Texas where rodeos made bareback riding an art and encouraged the young that they could do it.  I remember my father telling our neighbors that “his” five yr. old daughter could stay on the young calf  we had in the back lot a longer time than anyone.  So he had his own kid’s rodeo that day with each ride timed to see which one lasted the longest before being bucked off.  (Yes, his only child held on)  I learned at a very young age, that riding on a beautiful horse in an arena or parade is very majestic not like my calf.   When I read in Mark 11 about Jesus riding on a young colt into the streets of Jerusalem, I was and am still enthralled by His humility and majesty.  “as Jesus had commanded (his two disciples) brought the colt to Jesus and put their garments on him; and JESUS SAT upon the colt..many people spread their garments in the way: and others cut down branches off the trees and and strayed them in the road..they went before and followed, cried, saying Hosanna; Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord!”  Yet, we know Jesus took the greatest tumble/fall/death in just a few days after this triumphal entry not because of his shortcoming, but FOR the sin of man.  Just think.  “Psalm 68:4 ..Extol GOD that RIDES UPON THE HEAVENS by His name JAH and rejoice before Him.  33. LORD RIDES UPON THE HEAVENS which were of old; He sends out His voice and that a mighty voice ascribe the strength unto GOD”  (YES, GOD’S ONLY SON WON THE VICTORY IN THE FINAL RACE OF DEATH)  

Kiss Of Death

Bible Audio Blog
      19860316pm Kiss of Death - Rev. Tommy Jones


What’s in a name?  How many people or places do you know named after #Judas?  That name has become synonymous with #betrayal and #hypocrisy.  What kind of person does what he did?  How was he perceived?  Who did he hang out with?  Why was everyone so surprised at his actions?  Was Jesus tricked?  What lessons can we learn form a deceiver in the midst of the disciples?  What is the warning for ‘religious’ people?  Did Judas have salvation and then lose it?  How can you be sure that you don’t get marked with the kiss of death?

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