Basic Biblical Beliefs – The Mystery Of God

Bible Audio Blog
      19980208 Basic Biblical Beliefs - The Mystery Of God - Rev. Tommy Jones


Why can we not see #God?  I have heard many people say they would believe in God if He would just show Himself.  What did God tell Moses when he asked something similar?  We cannot even understand all that we have seen of the creation much less the Creator.  Does the mystery of God make Him more or less worthy of worship?  Is it also a kindness that He doesn’t reveal all of Himself to us?  When you see a mystery are you drawn in or are you repelled?  God did give Moses a glimpse of Himself and later He showed Himself to all of us as well in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ.

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A Religion of Remnants

Bible Audio Blog
      20001112 A Religion Of Remnants - Rev. Tommy Jones


This week, we are going to look at our #worship.  Who do we worship? Is it worthy worship?  Do we worship #creation rather than the #creator?  The Bible says that where we spend our time and money that is where our heart lies.  When we do recognize God with our time and money, are we giving our best or the remnants?  What is the biblical principle of first fruits?  

We are taking a 6 week break from our Christ is the Answer series until the new year.  

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