Basic Biblical Beliefs – The Work Of The Spirit In Creation And Salvation

Bible Audio Blog
      19980712 Basic Biblical Beliefs - The Work Of The Spirit In Creation And Salvation - Rev. Tommy Jones


So, what do you do for a #living?  Shortly after finding out your name and #family members, I would probably ask about your #work.  Last week, we found out about the third person of the one true God, the Holy Spirit.  What does He do?  What part did He play in the creation of the world and not just the world, but your creation?  What would happen to this world without the Holy Spirit?  The biggest problem with this world is sin and man’s propensity to follow into it.  The Holy Spirit is the one who affects change in us.  Through conviction, what does He show us?  We all need this conviction, but it would be merely depressing without regeneration.  Who turns around and gives us comfort and growth?  How have believers been sealed for their earnest inheritance?

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – This Is My Father’s World

Bible Audio Blog
      19980426 Basic Biblical Beliefs - This Is My Father's World - Rev. Tommy Jones


I heard a scientific commentator the other day say that if any of the constants we have discovered in the #universe like #gravity, the speed of #light, our #orbit around the sun, etc. were off by a decimal point, #life would not exist.  And yet, some people still doubt the existence of a #Creator.  God asked Job, where were you when I set these things in place.  Because this is my Father’s world.  How does His Word, the Bible, start off in the very first sentence?  What are some of the dangers involved in the alternative views of the origin of our world?  Was our universe designed with wisdom or a random process?  Ray Comfort says, “the building is proof of the builder, the painting is proof of the painter, and Creation is proof of the Creator.”  Why are we here?  Why does the Bible say God created this universe?  Did He know what would happen?  What was His plan from the beginning for our salvation?

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – The Mystery Of God

Bible Audio Blog
      19980208 Basic Biblical Beliefs - The Mystery Of God - Rev. Tommy Jones


Why can we not see #God?  I have heard many people say they would believe in God if He would just show Himself.  What did God tell Moses when he asked something similar?  We cannot even understand all that we have seen of the creation much less the Creator.  Does the mystery of God make Him more or less worthy of worship?  Is it also a kindness that He doesn’t reveal all of Himself to us?  When you see a mystery are you drawn in or are you repelled?  God did give Moses a glimpse of Himself and later He showed Himself to all of us as well in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ.

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Bible Audio Blog
      19791219 ROR - As Superior To Science - Discuss The Disciplines - Geology - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Geology, what does the history of the Earth’s crust tell us?  Are there as many fossils as we would expect to find given the scientific theory of an ancient Earth?  Is the creation model capable of explaining all of the geological formations?  Are fossils being created right now?  How well defined are the layers that scientists claim for the distinct ages?  What is the case for the Creation, the Fall, and the Flood?  How can we reconcile Genesis with the geological record?  Is there evidence of a global flooding event?

Next week we will look at History and what both science and the Bible say about it.

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Bible Audio Blog
      19791215 ROR - As Superior To Science - Discuss The Disciplines - Anthropology - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Anthropology, the study of man, encompasses our history and our present.  Can that story be told apart from #God?  Where does the theory of evolution agree with Creationism?  Where do they begin to diverge?  How does the Bible explain the origins of tribes, nations, and languages?  Does the idea of different races come from Evolution or Creation?  What does the current population tell us about how long ago the human race came into existence?  How much do other scientific fields agree with the theory of evolution?

Next week we will dig into Geology and what both science and the Bible say about it.

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Bible Audio Blog
      19791107 ROR - As Superior To Science - Discuss The Disciplines - Biology - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Biology, the #human #body is an incredibly complex machine.  For that matter, so are the animals.  Who has the better explanation as to how we were formed, #Science or the #Bible?  How do each of these explain the process of going from non-life to life?  What do we know about DNA, inheritance, and variation?  How about mutation, are they usually helpful or harmful?  How does Creation better explain the difference between cats and dogs?  How has Evolution been previously wrong about vestigial organs?  What is interesting about the word used to describe God’s creation activity?

Next week we will discuss the field of Anthropology and what both science and the Bible say about it.

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Bible Audio Blog
      19791031 ROR - As Superior To Science - Discuss The Disciplines - Astrology - Rev. Tommy Jones


Did I say we would discuss #astrology this week?  It’s more like #astronomy with a passing mention of why our lives are not governed by the stars.  But, can we learn from the heavens?  Have the stars been used as signs?  What are some of the scientific theories about the creation of the stars and planets?  What have our observations and explorations confirmed about what is in the Bible about creation?  Why create so many stars?  What do stars have to do with angels?  How can we reconcile some of the astronomical events mentioned in the Bible?

Next week we will discuss the field of Biology and what both science and the Bible say about it.

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