The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Contemplation – Lessons For Learning – About Enjoyment

Bible Audio Blog
      20060528 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Lessons For Learning - About Enjoyment - Rev. Tommy Jones


Would the apostle Paul have been able to find #joy in the year #2020?  What did Paul learn from the #school of experience?  What did he teach us about our circumstances and their effect on Christ followers?  God promises to provide all of our needs but not our wants.  So how do we minimize our wants to increase joy?  Paul said he knew how to be content whether he had a little or a lot.  Is it also difficult to be content when you are prospering?   

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The Joy of Jesus – Available For Calculation – Matter of Risk and Reward – Avow the Reward

Bible Audio Blog
      2005100205 Joy Of Jesus - Available For Calculation - Matter Of Risk & Reward - Avow The Reward - Rev. Tommy Jones


Hopefully, you are not under #quarantine from the #CoronaVirus / #Covid19.  Whether you are now or you will be later, just know that the Joy of Jesus has nothing to do with your current circumstances and everything to do with trusting and obeying the Lord.  How can we avow or claim the reward of the joy of Jesus?  What did Paul have to say about people adding requirements to the Gospel?  Do we have an outward symbol today of the inward change that occurs when we give our life to Christ?  What does true worship look like?  Once you get the relationship and the worship right, the happiness or joy will come and it won’t be dependent on circumstances.  What does it mean to boast in Jesus and not in ourselves?  

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Suffering – Of An External Nature – Pointed Toward Proclamation

Bible Audio Blog
      20050710 Triumphant Suffering - Of An External Nature - Pointed Toward Proclamation - Rev. Tommy Jones


PSA – Don’t forget #Valentine’sDay is coming up to avoid unnecessary external suffering.  But seriously, why is there so much #suffering in this world?  If suffering is the result of a fallen world, why do Christians suffer?  How does Christian suffering help to spread the Gospel?  What’s wrong with the phrase, ‘under the circumstances’?  Did Paul’s jailing help or hinder the spread of the Gospel?  Where would we be without some of his jailhouse epistles?  How did he view his jailers, as oppressors or opportunities? Is courage contagious just like fear?  What did Paul say about preachers of his day that taught about Jesus plus something else?  Do we have people around us today like that?  How can we rejoice about suffering? 

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The Joy of Jesus – Book of Philippians

Bible Audio Blog
      20050529 The Joy Of Jesus - Book Of Phillipians - Rev. Tommy Jones

This should have posted last week.

Okay, let’s go back to the beginning of this series on the book of Philippians by Brother Tommy.  What is #joy? How does it differ from #happiness?  From where does true joy come?  Jesus was perfect and therefor had perfect joy.  What were Paul’s circumstances when he wrote this book to the church at Philippi?  How does proper joy produce triumph in all situations?  Once we agree that we need it, how do we receive the joy of Jesus?  What are the risks and rewards of obtaining it?  Where does our citizenship lie, and why does that make a difference?  What are the benefits of this Heavenly joy?  

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Grace to Serve

Bible Audio Blog

#Grace is not just a girl’s name.  The definition I like is that grace is God’s unmerited favor.  Here, Brother Tommy leads us through the passage that ends with, ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’  That is one of my favorite verses.  But what does it mean?  What is the purpose of God’s grace?  Is it just to save us from damnation, or is there more to it?  We are then called to serve, but for whose glory?  What did Paul show us about the power of God’s unmerited favor?  How can we, like Paul, live contentedly and accomplish great things for the Lord no matter our circumstances?  

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