Christ Is The Answer – Realization In Worship

Bible Audio Blog
      20010128 Christ Is The Answer - Realization In Worship - Rev. Tommy Jones


Have you ever known somebody who was all #feet, or more #brawn than #brains?  We value #balance in individuals and the same goes for #Christ and His church.  Can you be a member of THE church without a personal relationship with Jesus?  When does the baptism of the Spirit occur?  Have you ever gotten a small cut or scrape on an out of the way body part and been shocked by how many times you feel it throughout the day?  There are no unimportant parts of the body and there are no unimportant roles in the church.  Is it easier to comfort or congratulate?  Paul gives a list of spiritual gifts to the Corinthians and rebalanced the weight and frequency of each one.

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Christ Is The Answer – That Reminds Me

Bible Audio Blog
      20000730 Christ Is The Answer - That Reminds Me - Rev. Tommy Jones


Back before we had all these #phones and digital #calendars, people would tie a string around their finger as a #reminder.  But, what good is a reminder if we don’t know what it is supposed to bring to remembrance?  Back in the Old Testament God dwelt in the temple.  Where does the New Testament say that God dwells now?  What makes this temple holy?  What does it mean when we are told not to spoil, mar, or corrupt this temple?  How can we become wise?  How can we tap into a spiritual fortune?  Let this scripture remind us whose we are and what we possess as Christians.

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What Is A Christian?

Bible Audio Blog

The word #Christian gets thrown around a lot these days.  Some use it as a #putdown others wear it like a #shield.  Is it the opposite of #atheist?  Does it depend on where you were born or to which family?  Are you a Christian because you joined a church or got baptized?  What does the Bible say about true followers of Jesus Christ?  How can imperfect people claim to be like Jesus?  If Christ died for everyone, why isn’t everyone saved?  Can you miss Heaven by 18 inches?  We call Jesus, Lord and Savior.  Many want Him as Savior but hesitate to make Him Lord.  Can you do enough good deeds to get into Heaven?  Does a Christian do good deeds?  Why?

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Mission of Missions

Bible Audio Blog

There is a growing #population of #people that are of the #opinion that you can #believe what you want, but keep it to yourself.  As the idea of #tolerance morphs into one of discouraging conversation of any consequence, the need for missions and spreading the Gospel is even more urgent.  Take heart because the church has always grown more rapidly in times of resistance if not outright persecution.  Why is the church missions based?  What would happen to the church without missions?  Do we build the church or does Jesus Christ?  What is the foundation of the church, the rock Jesus spoke about?  What is church near sightedness?  My home church has a saying that we are not a country club for believers but rather a hospital for sinners.  How should Christians be good stewards?

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His Infernal Ministry – The Performance Of The Unholy Spirit – In Terms Of Targets

Do you ever feel #targeted?  This series on the #devil is meant to illuminate his targets and when and how he likes to attack.  Satan will strike the community, the church, and even the individual.  What speech draws his attention?  Is all wealth a blessing from God?  What is the bad seed that the devil sows?  What disguises does he use?  Can the church be overtaken by Satan?  Nevertheless how does he attack the church?  Is it possible to profess Faith without possessing Faith?  What kind of harm can this do to the church?  Who are the children of disobedience?  How are they blinded and bound?  What effect can he have on Believers?  

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