Basic Biblical Beliefs – What Is Man?

Bible Audio Blog
      19980517 Basic Biblical Beliefs - What Is Man? - Rev. Tommy Jones


This is not about the difference between #man and #woman, which is clearly laid out in the Bible.  But rather, the bigger picture about what is #humanity?  #Humanism has risen up with an answer, but is it the right one?  We are made of dust, but is that all there is to us?  Once our physical elements have been formed what does God do to make us come alive?  Once body and God breathed spirit are combined, what unique third element is created?  Where do we place in the many creations of God?  In whose image were we created?  Since we are eternal beings should we not be more interested in where eternity will be spent?

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Christ Is The Answer – The Challenge of The Resurrection

Bible Audio Blog
      20010422 Christ Is The Answer - The Challenge Of The Resurrection - Rev. Tommy Jones


If you have repented of your sins and asked #Jesus to be your #Lord and #Savior, what can you expect in the #afterlife.  What happens to the body when we die?  Will there be some that won’t die?  What is the difference between translation and transformation?  What does it mean to be absent from the body but present with the Lord?  What is meant  by the last trump or trumpet?  Christianity has stages – justification, sanctification, and finally resurrection.  This gives Christ followers victory over what?  Who deserves the credit for all of this good news?  How then should we proceed to live?  What is the difference between working for the Lord and doing the work of the Lord?  

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Christ Is The Answer – The Characteristics of The Resurrection

Bible Audio Blog
      20010415 Christ Is The Answer - The Characteristics Of The Resurrection - Rev. Tommy Jones


What will our #resurrection bodies be like?  Will they be similar to the ones we have now or will they be vastly different?  Will our resurrection bodies be recognizable for who we are?  What is meant by the term spiritual body?  And what can we extrapolate from Jesus Christ’s resurrected form?   Paul gives us a glimpse into these answers in First Corinthians.  How can we be assured to get a resurrected spiritual body?  

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The Joy of Jesus – Looking For The Lord – Who Will Change?

Bible Audio Blog
      20060219 Joy Of Jesus - Looking For The Lord - Who Will Change? - Rev. Tommy Jones


These days most people want to #change your mind.  #Jesus Christ promised to change more than that now and when He returns.  For now, when you come to a saving knowledge and relationship with the Lord your mind will be renewed.  When Christ returns He will give His followers a new body, too.  Do we know when that will be?  What will a new body involve?  Why will that be necessary?  What examples did Jesus give us with His new body after resurrection?  

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Church

Bible Audio Blog

What is the purpose of the church?  Should it be first concerned with #SocialJustice or #politics?  No, it should be #missions.  Jesus Christ, who is the head of the church, proved this even before the Great Commission by doing what?  Was missions an ad lib response to sin?  How is the body of believers more than an organization?  Before Christ and His ministry, how did society view mercy and benevolence?  Is there personal responsibility in this mission?  Where do we get the power to carry out the mission?  

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Bread of Heaven

Bible Audio Blog

      19840715 Bread of Heaven - Rev. Tommy Jones


Have you ever been to a #restaurant that served #bread before the meal, and it was so good you just had to eat there again #cheddarbiscuits?  Is there a better bread, one that gives eternal life?  Now I am not saying communion saves your soul.  But, rather the sacrifice represented by this sacrament makes it possible to be forgiven.  What do the elements represent?  What should communion mean to us?  What is our part in this ceremony and what is God’s part?  

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Edify One Another

Bible Audio Blog

      19831009pm Edify One Another - Rev. Tommy Jones


An #edifice is also known as a #building, and to edify is to build up.  What does it mean to build each other up?  As members of one body (the Body of Christ), why is it important to edify each other?  What happens if we don’t?  Can or should we try to go it alone?  Are any members more important than others?  When Brother Tommy speaks about the false fellowship offered by the local bar, think about how he would rephrase that today given our newest trend of social media.  What makes Christian fellowship better and deeper than anything the World has to offer?  What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this type of fellowship?

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Lord’s Supper

Bible Audio Blog

      19841021 Lord's Supper - Rev. Tommy Jones


The #bodyofChrist, the #bloodofChrist, what do they have to do with a #wedding?  Today, we use the word ’betrothed’ to mean married, but it actually is a step in the process.  Where did the groom stay during the process?  How did the bride prepare?  How did the groom arrive?  What do all these customs have to do with us today?  Who are the groom and the bride?  As the bride waits, what is she supposed to be doing?  In case, you couldn’t tell by his voice, Brother Tommy was always looking for the announcement of the groom’s coming.  Are you excited yet?  If not, how can you get ready?

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