Christ Is The Answer – In Remembrance of Me, Drink This Cup

Bible Audio Blog
      20000625 Christ Is The Answer - In Remembrance Of Me, Drink This Cup - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Blood is essential to #life.  Why is it so important to #Christians?  How powerful is the blood of the perfect God/man?  What ritual from the Old Testament was perfectly completed in the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ?  Did Jesus voluntarily shed His blood only for His disciples?  How does the blood of Jesus wash away sin?  

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His Infernal Ministry- The Peril of the Unholy Spirit – The Saints’ Distinction

Bible Audio Blog

The devil’s first #defense is to convince us that he doesn’t #exist.  When that #fails, he tries to convince us of numerous #lies about his #power and #strength.  If that too fails, he tries to tell us lies about our selves.  But, a Believer’s distinction comes from knowing that Satan is already defeated.  What does the Bible say about who has the ultimate authority?  Why was Satan’s biggest mistake nailing Jesus to the cross?  How does that same authority get passed on to the saints?  What tools has God given us to wield this authority?  What happens when a Believer uses these tools?   

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Bread of Heaven

Bible Audio Blog

      19840715 Bread of Heaven - Rev. Tommy Jones


Have you ever been to a #restaurant that served #bread before the meal, and it was so good you just had to eat there again #cheddarbiscuits?  Is there a better bread, one that gives eternal life?  Now I am not saying communion saves your soul.  But, rather the sacrifice represented by this sacrament makes it possible to be forgiven.  What do the elements represent?  What should communion mean to us?  What is our part in this ceremony and what is God’s part?  

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Lord’s Supper

Bible Audio Blog

      19841021 Lord's Supper - Rev. Tommy Jones


The #bodyofChrist, the #bloodofChrist, what do they have to do with a #wedding?  Today, we use the word ’betrothed’ to mean married, but it actually is a step in the process.  Where did the groom stay during the process?  How did the bride prepare?  How did the groom arrive?  What do all these customs have to do with us today?  Who are the groom and the bride?  As the bride waits, what is she supposed to be doing?  In case, you couldn’t tell by his voice, Brother Tommy was always looking for the announcement of the groom’s coming.  Are you excited yet?  If not, how can you get ready?

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