19801105 Last Look at Chronology Scriptural Teaching of Rapture - Rev. Tommy Jones
Tuesday, March 27th 2012 @ 12:00 AM (not yet rated)
post viewed 358 times
Now we start six messages on the Rapture. This is a fascinating subject and one I personally look forward to. What will occur next? When will the Rapture take place? Have you looked for the word ‘Rapture’ in your Bible? What is the Rapture and where do we get this term? Who will be included? Brother Tommy makes no bones about being a Pre-millennialist but he also presents reasons why others believe differently while still being in the same theological family. What is the difference between Resurrection and Rapture? Who will be included in the Rapture? What form will we take? Listen for the eight challenges we have been given regarding the Rapture.