Proper Love of Self

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      19840708 Proper Love of Self - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, August 27th 2012 @ 2:34 PM (not yet rated)

post viewed 465 times

Did you ever want to know what is the most important thing that God wants us to do in life?  Well, a lawyer asked Jesus that very question.  His answer was a perfect summary of the message of the entire Bible.  What is the connection between loving God, others, and ourselves?  Why is it important to love ourselves?  What are some signs that we can see in ourselves that indicate we don’t love ourselves properly?  How does it affect our ability to love God and others?  What are seven ways we can improve our love of self to the point it needs to be?  The majority of this message is devoted to improving our self image as Christians.  A couple of times Brother Tommy touches on the other extreme and how dangerous it is.  Unfortunately nearly thirty years after this was recorded I am afraid we have just as many, if not more people now that love themselves too much.  To accept Christ as Savior we must first die to the old sinful self and then build it back properly.  To learn more, follow this link:

The Gift