The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Communication – Peacefully

Bible Audio Blog
      20060423 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Communication - Peacefully - Rev. Tommy Jones


Many of us look to our #political #leaders to bring us #peace.  Ironically, we are warned in the book of #Revelations about a leader that will soon come with a message of false peace.  But, Paul tells Christians the key to peace is prayer.  What did we learn to pray about last week?  Can we create peace?  How can an enemy of God find peace with God?  Is peace with God the same as peace of God?  The peace we are promised is more than just living in harmony with others.  It is peace that passes all understanding.  But what does that involve?  This is a peace that will guard the heart and mind.  Does that sound good right now?  This is not feel good self help but, rather, a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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The Hidden Treasure


#Silver and #Gold are #measured by their percent of #purity.  Now I cannot look at the precious metals and tell the value; however, experts with their knowledge, weighs, symbols, and calibrations can arrive at the current price.  The market value seems to be soaring as you know by now.  May I say, to God, you are more precious than gold.  Do you know your value?  “In a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and earth; some to honor and some to dishonor.  One needs to be a vessel of honor and useful for the master’s every good work by fleeing youthful lusts and follow righteousness with faith, charity, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.  Foolishness and ignorant questions avoid knowing they gender strifes.  Avoid profane and vain babbling: as they only increase ungodliness.  We know dangerous times come for men who are lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful and unholy without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, fierce, despisers of the good, traitors, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.  They have a form of religion, but deny the power of the Lord.” 11Timothy 2  Does that describe what we see on the news today?  “Nevertheless the foundation of God stands sure, having this precious seal,THE LIVING LORD GOD KNOWS THEM THAT ARE HIS.’ Let every one that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.”  Are you backed by the 100% pure righteous blood of the Living God Jesus Christ ?

The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Communication – Prayerfully

Bible Audio Blog
      20060326 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Communication - Prayerfully - Rev. Tommy Jones


The non-Christian #world tends to mock Believers when we say that we will #pray for them.  If only they knew the #power we can unleash with effective prayer. #Anxiety is at an all time high today, but is it an attitude Christians should hold?  What does it mean to be careful about nothing?  What subjects are we supposed to bring to God in prayer?  Are we really supposed to pray thankfully for anything, including both the good and bad?  How can we do that legitimately?  


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from Barbara's Bible

Do you feel #safe today?  Are you #fearful?  Feeling #restless?  We are all facing uncertainties in our lives.  Covid, economy, riots, lawlessness, and politics are isolating realities for each of us.  What you gonna do?  I see many taking walks which is very invigorating.  Some are watching UTube videos on silver and gold investments.  I hear that gun sales are at an all time high.  Then there is the constant updates scrolled at the bottom of every local news report on the deaths and overall cases of covid in your area and the world.  No wonder it is difficult to breath the air around us or see a clear sky above us.  What does God’s Word tell us?  “A false witness shall perish…a wicked man hardens his face, but an upright man who keeps God’s commandments -God will not forsake, but will direct his path.  There is no wisdom or understanding in those who counsel against the LORD.  The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but SAFETY IS OF THE LORD” Proverbs 21:28-31 & Psalm 119:6  We are warned to “Beware of dogs an evil workers, have no confidence in their flesh, but rejoice in the LIVING GOD because for you, He is SAFE”  Philippians 3:1,2  There are wall safes, iron safes, gun safes, but my safe endorsement goes to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ while I place my life and faith in His overcoming redeeming strength with safety . . .  Now that is a secured long term investment in eternal gold!

The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Communication – Publicly

Bible Audio Blog
      20060319 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Communication - Publicly - Rev. Tommy Jones


If you are a Christian and have the joy of Jesus, does it come through in your #attitude, your #speech, or your #SocialMedia?  Do you quote the Bible or paraphrase it?  Does the Bible really say ‘moderation in all things’?  What did Paul mean when he encouraged gentleness?  What is the difference between principles and preferences?  Who is the ultimate example of yieldedness?  With whom are we directed to be gentle?  Everyone created in God’s image should be treated this way regardless of race, status, or even their relationship to the Savior.  What did Paul mean when he said the Lord is at hand?


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Parable of the Seeds